Forum Activity for @colleen-hailey

Colleen Hailey
07/26/15 09:52:11PM
67 posts

Crack in Soundboard?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Hope that it made it to a good home. Thanks once again for all of the advice. I might have bid on it and taken it to a local luthier, but I fought back the impulse. Trying to keep my DAD in check.

Colleen Hailey
07/26/15 03:39:43PM
67 posts

Crack in Soundboard?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Thanks for the advice, Rob. I think that I will pass on it, as I'm fairly lazy and non-handy and it sounds like a bit more work than I'm willing to do. It's sure pretty though... The wood looks gorgeous and the duck head is so nicely carved.

Colleen Hailey
07/26/15 03:35:56PM
67 posts

Number of dulcimers

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I've got 3 playable dulcimers, plus one that my Dad made from a kit for me when i was 12--its wall art. I was up to 5 last year, but sold 2 at a festival. My Ron Gibson is my main go-to dulcimer and the David Lynch student model is my back-up for emergencies. The third dulcimer is a little travel one that I only use when I, well, travel. My DAD has abated quite a bit, but is still lurking in the background. I expect that I'll pick up another one eventually. Or two...

Colleen Hailey
07/26/15 10:50:47AM
67 posts

Crack in Soundboard?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

It's a longways crack that goes from the edge of the dulcimer, slightly angled down.  It ends about 3/4 of an inch away from one of the top soundholes.

Colleen Hailey
07/26/15 10:43:42AM
67 posts

Crack in Soundboard?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Hi, I'm looking at an instrument on ebay that has a small, 3 inch crack in the upper soundboard. Is this the sort of thing that should be a dealbreaker for a non-luthier, non-handy sort of person?  The dulcimer is priced cheaply, but is quite pretty and has a unique headstock.  I have other dulcimers, so this wouldn't be my main instrument.  I wouldn't normally consider purchasing on ebay, but this one is tempting me.. Is this something that can be fixed?  Would it affect the sound?

updated by @colleen-hailey: 06/08/16 09:24:05PM
Colleen Hailey
06/27/15 09:58:57AM
67 posts

Do You Have A 'Go To' or Favorite Dulcimer

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

My favorite is the Ron Gibson Jenny Lind that I got last February. I enjoy playing it so much that it greatly dampened my raging case of DAD. (Note that I said "dampened", not "got rid of". It's a beautiful instrument.

BTW, I adore the Sasquatch design, complete with little footprints, shown above.

Colleen Hailey
06/17/15 09:07:47AM
67 posts

They are both gorgeous.

Colleen Hailey
04/24/15 10:44:28AM
67 posts

21 3/4 VSL Dulcimer, strings?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Not sure if this helps--I have a 22" VSL travel dulcimer tuned DAD--its strings are:0.026", 0.018", and 0.014.

Colleen Hailey
03/11/15 04:13:58PM
67 posts

Mountain Dulcimer Music Festival

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Water is running again (after being out for 3 days). Am hoping that Internet will be fixed tomorrow. Was able to get in a good playing session on the dulcimer while the town water department folks were attempting to unfreeze my pipes. So, there's that. Maybe we will see each other this summer at Cranberry or Dulcimer Daze...

Colleen Hailey
03/11/15 02:40:36PM
67 posts

Mountain Dulcimer Music Festival

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Hi Pamela, sorry, didn't know that you were looking to say hi.It's a good thing that I enjoyed the festival so much, as I came home to frozen pipes and no water. Shortly followed by the Internet going out at my house.
Colleen Hailey
03/10/15 06:44:14PM
67 posts

Mountain Dulcimer Music Festival

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Still coming down from the Mountain Dulcimer Music Fest that was held in Latham, NY last weekend. Took some fun classes, sold two dulcimers (thinning the herd) without buying a new one (though I was awfully tempted by a spalted maple with a beautiful, high tone), and enjoyed the jams and concert. Best of all, it has gotten me even more enthused about practicing/playing.
updated by @colleen-hailey: 06/11/15 07:42:46AM
Colleen Hailey
02/07/15 01:58:23PM
67 posts

Look what I've been up to! BEWARE - dulciporn

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

The grain on the sassafras top is really beautiful too.
Colleen Hailey
10/31/14 09:25:43AM
67 posts

I like the T.K. O'Brien picks. I haven't tried the Herdim picks, but they may be softer and less likely to scratch.

Colleen Hailey
09/04/14 02:58:09PM
67 posts

Pam, both are good. I'm learning chord style right now, but plan to learn noter style in a few years when I'm more proficient. I love to watch the noter videos with the feather strummers flying across the keys! In fact, you may want to watch some videos to see what overall sound appeals to you.

Colleen Hailey
08/22/14 09:56:46PM
67 posts

I agree. I'm short, and the strap has helped a lot. However, I still need to use a little footstool to raise my feet.
Colleen Hailey
08/11/14 12:13:41PM
67 posts

Oh, that's awful. The thrill of expectation dampened by "Where the Devil is it? What do you mean you don't know when it will be delivered!!!". Hoping that your new baby arrives safe and sound. My two "by mail" dulcimers were sent UPS and were easily tracked online.

Colleen Hailey
08/11/14 02:21:12PM
67 posts

Do your pets enjoy your playing?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I've got 3 cats. One will fall asleep behind me as I'm playing, one has gotten to the point where she will deign to stay within earshot for a few minutes, and the third flees when she sees me carry a dulcimer into the room.

Colleen Hailey
07/29/14 09:13:25AM
67 posts

I went to a festival this past weekend and had strap buttons installed on both of my dulcimers. What a difference the strap makes! I always felt like the dulcimer was going to fall off of my lap, even using rubber fabric in my lap and a footstool for my feet. Now, I can just focus on the playing without subconsciously worrying about the darn thing falling off of my lap.

I'm glad that I paid someone else to install the buttons--I'm not a very precise or handy person.

Colleen Hailey
08/01/14 11:45:28PM
67 posts

Well, everyone has been more inventive than me. Jennyanydots and Wahkeena are cool. Two of mine have place names. Tex has been joined by Portland. The one that my father made me when I was a kid ended up with his middle name, Merle. (Like Ken, I didn't feel comfortable using his first name for some reason.) And the TK O'Brien got abbreviated to Teek. I swear, the next one is going to end up with something flowery and wonderful from Tolkein.
Colleen Hailey
04/21/14 11:53:25AM
67 posts

The little Craigslist dulcimer that I bought over the weekend was made in the early 1970s in Texas. So naturally, I'm calling her "Tex". Haven't named the other two I have yet though... Will have to wait until something strikes me. Tex sounds better than "that Craigslist dulcimer".

Colleen Hailey
05/25/14 08:51:36AM
67 posts

Thanks. That makes me feel better. My family and friends think I'm nuts to buy another one, just so I can have one to practice on whilst on vacation. I did buy a used student David Lynch model and am having it shipped to my mothers house. Of course, it is still being sent UPS, but I trust that the banjo store where I bought it has far more experience (and better packing materials) than I do, as far as shipping musical instruments goes.
updated by @colleen-hailey: 07/04/15 10:44:55PM
Colleen Hailey
05/16/14 04:43:18PM
67 posts

After reading this thread and the various threads concerning traveling with dulcimers on airlines, I'm thinking that I may try for option number 3--buy a cheap (but nice) cardboard dulcimer and have it shipped directly to my mother's house. That way, I'll always have a dulcimer to play when I visit and won't have to worry about packing for UPS or the airlines. I don't have my original dulcimer box anymore for my student model. I do have a cheapie Craigslist model, but just because it was cheap doesn't mean I want it smashed due to my own poor packing or luck. Common sense says no, but I would like to be able to practice whilst on vacation....
