Forum Activity for @steve-battarbee

Steve Battarbee
06/15/16 01:28:59AM
10 posts


Im hoping to soon


Steve Battarbee
06/09/16 04:23:29AM
10 posts

I'm not sure why you'd think your gender had any bearing on my view or on how I replied but anyway, re your last post don't worry about it. If forgiveness is needed you got it. We all sometimes say or write things and wish on reflection we could reel them back in again. In fact in a song I've recently finished the second verse is

" Now sometimes words should remain thoughts and not be spoken.

Sometimes they fly away before they're ready to

and like a bird that's fledged to soon and ended broken

I am alone again and broken without you......."

In your reply to my first post in this thread you seemed to be on a bit of a downer when you were wondering if anything would come of your songs.So what I said was a response to that and not a comment on your future plans as a writer or performer

All I was trying to say is that by enjoying the process of writing and sharing you music and having others enjoy it , something has 'come of it/ them' maybe not commercially but you've written them performed them and the audience has enjoyed them, but I suppose its question of definition.


So I wasn't saying wasn't suggesting you shouldnt make plans or have ambitions or that you should 'just have fun'

Millions of songs get written by both ameteurs and professionals that rarely if ever see the light of day/end up being recorded but they're none the less valid as artist expressions of the writer.


Keep on keeping on as they say!

Steve Battarbee
06/07/16 03:05:23PM
10 posts

,,,,,,,,,and if someone enjoys it then something has come of it!

( sorry for a two part message- 'fat finger syndrome strikes again!!)

Steve Battarbee
06/07/16 03:02:55PM
10 posts

I think the thing is just to write because you enjoy doing it. Let as many people hear as you can and if someone enjoys it

Steve Battarbee
06/05/16 02:39:38PM
10 posts

I don't know if I'm too late but here's a couple of suggestions

"Mary MacGowan's new songs from the old tradition "


Or "Mary MacGowan's New Tradition"


followed by

( New music influenced by the music of the British Isles)

Good luck with it whatever you decide

Steve Battarbee
12/10/15 07:01:15PM
10 posts

Private messaging system questions...?

Site QUESTIONS ? How do I...?

Yes I did thanks. mission accomplished! Hopefully I won't forget what I did by the time I want to send another!

Steve Battarbee
12/08/15 09:40:01AM
10 posts

Private messaging system questions...?

Site QUESTIONS ? How do I...?

I have found where to access the Private Messages but Ive tried every combinations of their tag?/name ie @their-name I keep getting an 'invlaid' message

Is there an issue or is it just me doing it wrong?


Steve Battarbee
11/17/15 08:31:40AM
10 posts

The One That Gets Away...

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

For me its Angeline the Baker or Angelina Baker (see I can't even work out whats its called!!)

I just never seem able to get it bouncing along the way it should do - even on those rare occassions when I actually play the right notes in the right order!


But I am not defeated yet!!

Steve Battarbee
07/18/14 08:41:36AM
10 posts

Enter FOTMD's 5th Birthday Pickled Dulcimer CONTEST!

OFF TOPIC discussions

14 is my guessHappy Birthday FOTMD!I don't know the history of FOTMD in any detail but I would like to thank Strumelia and everyone involved in the creation,management and maintenance of this brilliant website and to all the contributors for such a fantastic resource and a safe place to learn, find encouragement, inspiration and to express my fledgling musical ability.Please keep up the great work - Here's to many more years!!
Steve Battarbee
11/12/13 07:12:11PM
10 posts

I think I have DAD but its still in its early stages as I only have one but I know its a slippery slope. I'm constantly looking at others. Only my lack of finance and my wife (OK mainly my wife) are keeping this condition in check at the moment.

She said the other day, having caught me yet again coveting more Dulcimers 'You've got one.How many dulcimers does one man need?'

I thought I know just the people to ask!

So whats the answer?