I am coming late to this discussion, but hope I can offer a little help.
First, I think it is important to clarify the language. "To transpose" means to change keys, that is, move a piece from, say, the key of F (F, G, A Bb, C, etc) to the key of D (D, E, F#, G, A, etc). What you are doing is transcribing and arranging.
Back when I was a college music major, one of the exercises we had in the first year of Harmony was to fill in the notes of of hymns, creating 4-part harmony, given only the melody (soprano) and bass parts. The interesting thing was there was often enough implied harmony that the inner ear would fill in the "missing" notes. The alto and tenor voices often weren't necessary.
If I were working on a project like yours, I would first try working with the outside voices (soprano and bass) first, then decide which, if any, of the other harmony notes you need for a musically pleasing sound.