Also I've found that new strings often require retuning because they do stretch a little under the constant tension. After a short time the will stabilize and hold tune a lot better.
Forum Activity for @dan-goad
Thanks for the welcomes and I have a question.
General mountain dulcimer or music discussions
I know how you feel. Information overload can be daunting sometimes. I actually prefer pure diatonic dulcimers to the ones with the extra frets. Robert Force and Albert d'Ossche' uaed to remove the 6+ from their dulcimers.
Thanks for the welcomes and I have a question.
General mountain dulcimer or music discussions
Welcome to our happy family, Melanie. You should have no problem learning to play without the 6+ fret. Most of the tunes don't require it at all, esp the old tunes like Aunt Rhodie, Cabbage, Old Joe Clark, Mississippi Sawyer or Grey Cat on a Tennessee Farm. When I started learning 4 years ago, the 6+ actually got in my way until I learned to ignore it.
Stewart-MacDonald Black Walnut dulcimer kit
General mountain dulcimer or music discussions
Cynthia, I took a look and read the instructions at the Stew-Mac website.
It appears that Stew-Mac is reselling the Folkcraft Walnut Kits since the instrucktions are labeled Folkcraft. The Ratings and Reviews on the Stew-Mac are mixed (overall 3.5 out of 5).
If I were going to have someone build a kit for me, I would have him look at both the Stew-Mac and Folkcraft sites to make a final decision. Here is the Folkcraft link.
If you are looking for your first dulcimer, I would recommend a student dulcimer from our member, David Lynch.
This is only my humble opinion and I hope that others will chime in. Welcome to FOTMD, Cynthia and enjoy the journey in the wonderfull world of the mountain dulcimer.
Of course, use a noter. If you want to. If you don't want to use a noter, you can use the ones at the end of your arms. It's all a matter of personal choice. No hard and fast rules except for the one rule that says "have fun". Welcome to FOTMD and the wonderful world of the mountain dulcimer.
updated by @dan-goad: 02/16/16 10:34:18AM
what was your first song on the dulcimer?
General mountain dulcimer or music discussions
I "Biled Dem Cabbage Down". LOL.
Good thread to start, James.
My new Berg!
General mountain dulcimer or music discussions
Congrats, Dave. My first dulcimer was Bill Berg student model. I still play it often and it seems to get better with age. Heck, maybe both o us do. You made a great find and buy.
Enter FOTMD's 5th Birthday Pickled Dulcimer CONTEST!
OFF TOPIC discussions
295. Wow, Strumelia, your baby is growing up.
This is what came in the mail.
OFF TOPIC discussions
Wow, that is a real beauty, Phil. Who made it? Yeah, I'm thinking of moving to FL myself.
Seeking the Imelda Marcos of dulcimers
General mountain dulcimer or music discussions
I'm not an "Imelda" but I currently have 17 playable dulcimers. 4 others needing repairs of one sort or another.
strange fret pattern
General mountain dulcimer or music discussions
That is an odd setup. Don't think I'll be bidding on that one. Don't know how I would tune that thing.
You might be a dulcimer redneck if . . .
OFF TOPIC discussions
I didn't know that you had a chromatic dulci, Robin.
You might be a dulcimer redneck if . . .
OFF TOPIC discussions
If your "Mac" is a McSpadden rather than an Apple product.
Try these sites for free tab
Dulcimer Resources:TABS/Books/websites/DVDs
Lots of new folks joining and looking for tab. I thought I would give this thread a little bump and assist our new members a little bit
Hughes Mountain Dulcimers
Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions
Any updates on the re-opening? I have two Hughes Dulcimers and would like to get some additional information about them if possible.
New instrument from OVG
Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions
No , mine has no feet. And my action at the nut is only 1 dime high. I hope you can remove the feet without any damage to the back of your dulcimer. Have you tried to contact Keith to see if he made it or is it someone else's knock off of one of his "Youngsters?" I've never heard of feet on a dulcimer. Mine just sits on my lap, behaving nicely even with vigorous strumming.
folkfan said:
Daniel, Does your Keith Young "Youngster" have round button feet on the bottom? My instrument does, and I'm finding them difficult to work with. When I tune, the instrument wobbles. I was wondering if the Keith Young instrument has the same feet since my instrument doesn't have a label inside.
And are the bridge and nut glued in their slots. Mine are and I'll have to have my brother lower the action for me the next time I see him as it's just too high for my comfort. It's two dimes high at the nut. I'm still wondering if mine is a true Keith Young or a copy.
Thanks, FF
Daniel Lewis Goad said:
Hummmm, left front paw for strumming and right rear paw for fretting. Interesting technique, Tigger.
ns that is a Keith Young "Youngster." The only difference between yours and mine is that mine has walnut back and sides.
New instrument from OVG
Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions
Hummmm, left front paw for strumming and right rear paw for fretting. Interesting technique, Tigger.
ns that is a Keith Young "Youngster." The only difference between yours and mine is that mine has walnut back and sides.
New instrument from OVG
Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions
Wow, that sounds exactly like a Keith Young "Youngster." I'm surprised that you didn't find a lable. Looking forward to seeing the pix.
Hello Kyle. I am originally from West Virginia (St Albans). I moved to Alabama in 2005 In pursuit of employment. I started playing the mountain dulcimer about 4 months ago. I'm finding it quite addictive. I've purchased two so far; a Bill Berg student model (DAD) and a Keith Young "youngster" (DAA). I have every intention of adding to that in the near future. I'm not very good yet but Improving. I hope to have audio/video recording capability in the very near future. Please keep me informed of your discoveries with your project.