You might be a dulcimer redneck if . . .

10 years ago
27 posts spent your child support on a new McSpadden.  

I work for our local C/S agency.  Thought I had heard all the excuses until this one. Made me smile.  As a dulcimer redneck I probably would have to excuse the interest on the arrears. After all we talking McSpadden!


Jan Potts
Jan Potts
10 years ago
402 posts

Oh, come on, Kandee and David!  You're suppose to add a few of your own!

How about:

You once again rearrange the cement block steps up to the door of your trailer into a bar-b-que pit for the monthly jam.

Jan Potts, Lexington, KY
Site Moderator

"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." Henry Van Dyke
David Pedersen
David Pedersen
10 years ago
32 posts

All of this is sooo funny.


13 years ago
129 posts

well shoot Jim I not quite there yet I still learning them chords. but I should have the BBQ sauce there this weekend.Grin.gif

Jan Potts
Jan Potts
13 years ago
402 posts

How poetic!

Jeremy Main said:

All you can hear Down by the Riverside is the rustling of thousands of potential noters in the wind...

Jan Potts, Lexington, KY
Site Moderator

"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." Henry Van Dyke
Macy Jayne
Macy Jayne
13 years ago
24 posts

Lol Anita! Here's mine...'re playin your dulcimer in your mind while sitting at a boring meeting at work. Been there, done thatGrin.gif

Karen Keane
Karen Keane
13 years ago
11 posts

ROFL that was awesome!! You are very creative and funny. Grin.gif

13 years ago
129 posts

Justin WHO????Grin.gif

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
13 years ago
1,791 posts

. . . you can name a dozen tunes recorded by Don Pedi and none by Justin Beiber.

. . .you have heard of a guy named Bing.

. . . you think of a guitar as a six-string chromatic dulcimer.

. . . food, clothing, and rent all come out of the general fund but you have a separate dulcimer budget.

. . . the word "spalted" comes up on a daily basis.

. . . the ring tone on your phone is just a D-A drone.

And the band played on . . .

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Jan Potts
Jan Potts
13 years ago
402 posts

Thanks for starting this thread, Phil--it really brightened my day! And, um, yes....I'm guilty of many of these, too....Smile.gif

phil said:

them are funny Jan and I am not going to say how many I am guilty ofGrin.gif

Jan Potts, Lexington, KY
Site Moderator

"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." Henry Van Dyke
13 years ago
129 posts

them are funny Jan and I am not going to say how many I am guilty ofGrin.gif

Jan Potts
Jan Potts
13 years ago
402 posts

..... your favorite luthiers and music stores have higher speed dialer numbers than your friends and family.

...... your basement, garage, or barnis half-filled with long cardboard boxes, peanutsand bubblewrap "in case you ever need to ship another dulcimer somewhere". can't watch TV--especially the news and weather--withoutstrummin', picking' etc. on your dulcimer.

.....You sit in church and wonder, "Now how would THAT hymn sound on a Ban-Jammer?" lobby your local high school to include dulcimers in the marching band. double-check to make sure your dulcimers are safely secured in your vehicle and figure your passengers are "on their own".

.....there's many a thing you'd drop quicker than a bad habit, but your dulcimers getset down as gently as a newborn. need to change your will after every big dulcimer festival.

-----there's more than one broken thing in your house being held together by old dulcimer strings. can spell "Schnaufer" but have no clue as to how your great aunt's name is spelled.

Jan Potts, Lexington, KY
Site Moderator

"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." Henry Van Dyke
13 years ago
41 posts

24.gif 111.gif That's how I would figure it! Wonderful!!

Dusty Turtle said:

. . . when you describe your tax refund as "a baritone with a galax back and maybe even ebony overlay."

There really is no end to this, is there?

John Henry
John Henry
13 years ago
258 posts

May I suggest that it's to time to stop printing this nonsense!!! 45.gif Some of these 'little messages' are getting to feel as if they are aimed straight at me 17.gif "when you can't remember how old your kids (read grandkids) are but you know..." 9.gif


Robin Clark
Robin Clark
13 years ago
239 posts

Excellent !!!!!!Grin.gif 24.gif

I may have to have a T shirt made with "Born to DAA...." on it 69.gif

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
13 years ago
1,791 posts

Youmight be. . .when you name your kids "Old Joe" and "Cabbage."

You might be . . . when you insist that the church choir only sing in the key of D.

Youmight be . .. when renovating your home means just getting a new noter.

Youmight be . . . when you can't remember how old your kids are but you know you got that Keith Young teardrop on July 13, 1984.

Youmight be . . . when your clothes just lie in a heap on the floor but you have a spalted cherry cabinet with humidity control to store your dulcimers.

Youmight be . . . when you describe your tax refund as "a baritone with a galax back and maybe even ebony overlay."

There really is no end to this, is there?

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
13 years ago
129 posts

Please pass it on.Grin.gif

John Keane
John Keane
13 years ago
181 posts

I feel lol. Grin.gif

13 years ago
129 posts

I going to try, I getting ready to start a new build on a Tenseness Music Box. Bowed Dulcimer are down the road yet for me. one day when your not looking I'll pass you by in numbers Grin.gif

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,476 posts

I'm on hold with mountain dulcimers for now. (Got another bowed dulcimer on order.) Feel free to catch-up to me! Smile.gif

phil said:

uh,, oh .... Ok you win you have more than me....... for now15.gif Grin.gif

13 years ago
129 posts

uh,, oh .... Ok you win you have more than me....... for now15.gif Grin.gif

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,476 posts

Uh, Phil, I'd have to count 'em to give you an exact number. Grin.gif

phil said:

Sounds like you need more Dulcimer Robin. ya just can't have one.Grin.gif

13 years ago
129 posts

Sounds like you need more Dulcimer Robin. ya just can't have one.Grin.gif

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,476 posts

Yikes, I don't! Maybe my diatonics got broken! 106.gif Grin.gif

Dan Goad said:

24.gif I didn't know that you had a chromatic dulci, Robin.

13 years ago
129 posts

Yikes It's became a runaway thread. 24.gif

Dan Goad
Dan Goad
13 years ago
155 posts

24.gif I didn't know that you had a chromatic dulci, Robin.

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,476 posts

Nope. Hb.Grin.gif

Dan Goad said:

Oh, ya found G# did ya, Robin?

Dan Goad
Dan Goad
13 years ago
155 posts

Oh, ya found G# did ya, Robin?

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,476 posts

Well, I know the alphabet further than G. Guess that disqualifies me. Smile.gif

Ben Barr Jr
Ben Barr Jr
13 years ago
64 posts

Your idea of adopting an orphan is someone's unwanted dulcimer.

Dan Goad
Dan Goad
13 years ago
155 posts

If your "Mac" is a McSpadden rather than an Apple product.

Jim Fawcett
Jim Fawcett
13 years ago
85 posts

Hey Phil, those are great. 113.gif

Site Moderator
Ben Barr Jr
Ben Barr Jr
13 years ago
64 posts

Your Bumpah stickah says, "I brake for Dulcimer Jams".


Ben Barr Jr
Ben Barr Jr
13 years ago
64 posts

Your tattoo of your Dadd is a three-string dulcimer on your forearm.


Dan Goad
Dan Goad
13 years ago
155 posts

Great, Phil. Describes me to a T.

13 years ago
129 posts

sorry had to do it,Grin.gif I was looking for some new jokes and found this.

You might be a dulcimer redneck if . . . have a tattoo that says, "Born to play DAA". decorate your dulcimer at Christmas time.

.....your idea of the ideal honeymoon is going to a dulcimer festival.

.....your dulcimer rides in the front of the truck and your wife rides in the back of the truck.

.....your wife owns a camouflage dulcimer case.

.....your garbage man is confused about which dulcimers go and which dulcimers stay. have no idea how many dulcimers you have.

.....your idea of "girls night out" is going to a Schnaufer/Siefert workshop with your friends.

.....there is a dulcimer hanging in the outhouse. go selling all your harps and buy dulcimers instead.

......your dog can sing "Old Joe Clark" recognizably. sleep with more than one dulcimer. insist on playing your dulcimer during a eulogy.

......your dulcimer costs more than your truck.

......there are tobacco stains down the sides of your dulcimer. change your strings more often than your t-shirt.

......your truck horn plays the A part of "Mississippi Sawyer." have Mason jars filled with dulcimer picks.

......your neighbor complains about the weeds in your yard growing up around stringless old dulcimers sitting on concrete blocks.

......your capo is made from a recycled Bud Lite can. think safe sex is when the participants play a courting dulcimer.

......your front porch collapses under the weight of so many dulcimer players gathered for the weekly Friday night jam.

......your front porch is held up by old dulcimer cases. skip your mother's funeral because it's the same time as Kentucky Music Week. have a dulcimer rack in the back window of your truck.

......Mail Pouch is painted on the back side of your dulcimer. spent your child support on a new McSpadden. lost your favorite dulcimer in a poker game.

......Junior's first word is "DAdd." don't know the alphabet past G.

......your family portrait is of all the dulcimers you own.

......when Junior counts to ten, 6 1/2 comes before 7. don't make it to work because your dulcimer has a broken string. carry your picks in an empty "Skoal" tin.

......Junior asks you to play with him and you reply, "What key?"

updated by @phil: 02/09/25 10:45:44PM