Forum Activity for @astrelfrog

09/01/19 11:59:28AM
1 posts

FUNNY songs you sing & play on your dulcimer

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I am learning Sweet Betsy from Pike, (the tune) to play "You Smell Like Turtles" from Homer and Jethro. This was the flip side of "Daddy Played First Base." My husband and I have sung the Turtle song for many years, much to the dismay of family, friends and strangers.  Since almost all of their songs were parodies, finding the original music for most isn't hard. We also have a set of caving carols we do, to popular Xmas tunes.


Lost in a Crawlway

Lost in a crawlway trying hard to escape

To find the wrong entrance would be their sad fate

They came out an entrance 90 feet up a bluff

They only fell 80 but that was enough.

Just think: Dr. Demento's Greatest Hits on dulcimer. Guess I better start looking into that.