Forum Activity for @mackelroy

07/06/24 11:43:58PM
5 posts

Travel Dulcimer string angle issues

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

John: Thank you for the advice on materials. You have confirmed some ideas for me.

Ken: Now THAT is a solution I'd have not thought of. So simple. I had thought about cutting an angle into the headblock and creating a new tuning head, but your photo has me thinking now.

Nate: You are absolutely correct that's what it's doing - pulling the strings down over the zero fret. Same general concept as Fender string trees, but it just introduces such a harsh bend in the strings that I believe is contributing to the middle string in particular going out of tune almost immediately.

You all have been helpful. I have some things to think about with this little gal.

07/06/24 10:19:49PM
5 posts

Travel Dulcimer string angle issues

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

I appreciate the advice. I have some new strings on order, and will try to do that. That faux nut/string spacer is going to be replaced as well. I want the strings to go over it, not through it as they currently do. . I have experience making/shaping nuts for guitars. Is there a preferred material for making one?

07/06/24 07:42:28PM
5 posts

Travel Dulcimer string angle issues

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Nothing wiggles. But if you were to snug it up to the fretboard, it’d bind the strings. Whatever the solution is, it almost has to include a different string spacer. 

07/06/24 07:03:53PM
5 posts

Travel Dulcimer string angle issues

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

The “nut” is nailed to the fretboard. And if you look closely, you can see that the strings go through it, not over it. It’s being used as a string spacer. I would hope that wasn’t the maker’s design, but I also can’t tell you it wasn’t. The string angles coming from the tuning posts are not great. They’re tall posts, and you’d have to wind the string way down them to get an angle approaching “acceptable,” IMO.  

07/06/24 12:13:36PM
5 posts

Travel Dulcimer string angle issues

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

I was gifted a dulcimer recently, and it's got me interested in learning this instrument. However, upon looking at this particular model, it's got some... quirks. In turn, I have questions. The label inside says it was made by a fellow named Walt Kirby out of Oklahoma City. I think he is no longer living (based on a quick google search). Anyway, it's a travel-size, teardrop dulcimer that in many ways seems solidly constructed. However, the string angle coming off the headstock needs addressing. Seems ol' Walt, or some subsequent owner, tried to remedy it by making strange use of a wooden nut. See the pics attached.

As you can imagine, this affects the instrument's ability to hold tune. I'm looking for advice on how to address this. Is it as simple as swapping the tuning machines out for low-post versions? Or, does it need more drastic attention? Ideally, I'd like to be able to put a different nut on that guides the strings, but sits lower than the zero fret. I'm open to ideas.

Dulcimer Headstock 1.jpg Dulcimer Headstock 1.jpg - 115KB