Forum Activity for @hester1950

07/31/24 09:52:00AM
1 posts

Determining Origin and Value of Dulcimer

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

This dulcimer was given to me many years ago by my older sister who has since passed away. The accompanying folder contains instructions on how to use it and 9 songs.  Attached to the folder is a business card "Angell Dulcimer Handmade Instruments".  Am I to infer that this dulcimer was made by Richard Angell?  Will this information be sufficient in helping me determine the value of the dulcimer?  I am looking to sell it.  I also want to sell it to someone who appreciates the craft and hopefully will play it.  I'm getting up in years myself and am selling possessions that I would like to know are in the right hands. 

The folder came with the Dulcimer.  I had to crop the folder pictures because they would not upload. The card has "Angell Dulcimer Handmade Instruments". Would this infer that R H Angell made this Dulcimer?  I was not able to reach that number.

Dulcimer 1.1.jpg Dulcimer 1.1.jpg - 51KB