Autumn's Farewell - Original Composition

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:03:40
Duration: 00:03:40
This is an original composition I wrote recently on the dulcimer. It is basically a waltz, but the C part switches rhythm and I haven't yet figured out what exactly happens.
Thanks to my friend Martha for helping me brainstorm the title! I stumbled across the first few chords just before leaving to go to a corn maze so it's fitting.
Thanks to my friend Martha for helping me brainstorm the title! I stumbled across the first few chords just before leaving to go to a corn maze so it's fitting.
Sooo beautiful, Granto!
Absolutely gorgeous! Bravo, Granto!!!
BRAVO! Thank you! Keep playing and posting! It’s an inspiration!
Extraordinary! Both stimulating and relaxing. And you make that Ewing dulcimer sing like a bell on a crisp morning.
I tried unsuccessfully to figure out the timing on that C part. It's really fun regardless of what's going on.
A very nice tune, Granto!