Beginner help with TablEdit
I've downloaded the tab-writing application TablEdit and am totally overwhelmed on how to even begin using it. The instruction manual is overwhelming. The program opens showing guitar tab as default, but I see no way of switching instruments to dulcimer.
The TablEdit Discussion group is all very advanced stuff. Likewise the videos I find so far on YouTube.
The TabeEdit web site gives NO way to be contacted.
I've spent two hours at least going around in circles, and I still can't write a goddamn note of music on the application!!!!!!!!
It is said to be a "great" program. My experience with it so far is nothing but opaque horror.
Thanks for any suggestions. (I'm trying to order Melanie Johnston's book on using it for dulc, but the folkcraft site keeps insisting I buy three copies!) Computers totally hate me and the feeling is completely mutual.
Thank you,
Leo Kretzner