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youtube videos: 26

Musical Traditions mountain dulcimer

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:00:42
A fragment from my unloved dulcimer poem, "Reign of Fate", on a Musical Traditions dulcimer.
cynthia copeland
01/10/14 01:52:07AM @cynthia-copeland:

Richard, please upload the whole thing here. I am no freak and I really love the long version from Utube.

Tom McDonald
10/05/13 09:03:17PM @tom-mcdonald:

Richard, not many people listen to anything all the way through on youtube; don't let it bug you. I just looked at the stats for my uploads: 5967 hits in the last 30 days, and 6028 minutes watched. Of the top ten, one nine-minute glider flying demo averages not quite four minutes per view. Music vids - even ones with 200 - 500 hits per month - only average 30-40 seconds per view. Out of 142 videos, only the barest handful have an average view time of over 50% of their length, and those tend to be ones that are very short to begin with. I'm sure some of that comes from hits that register as someone is using their back button, and only rests on the page for a short time. But I think the fact that most do not finish a youtube video is a reflection of the gnat-like attention span of most internet viewers, and not so much on the talent or worth of the material posted.

I always enjoy your work. I'll look for the complete piece as you suggest, and listen to the whole thing.

09/26/13 11:05:23AM @pristine2:

Thanks Rob. Actually I posted the whole song on Youtube years ago, but it is so badly recorded and mixed (it was done captured on a Chinese mobile phone) and mixed (I had no idea what I was doing), not many people listen to it all the way through. That said, I was in much better practice then ... Googling "Reign of Fate Dulcimer" will get you there.

Rob N Lackey
09/26/13 05:03:45AM @rob-n-lackey:

Wouldn't mind hearing the whole thing, Richard. That MT instrument sounds good. Been wondering what they sound like. Playing was superb too.
