Irish Music Workshop, Somerset KY

10/16/19 03:47:58PM

Lorinda Jones will be leading a 2 hour Irish Music Workshop on November 15th from 2:30 to 4:30 in Somerset, KY. Songs will be presented to mountain dulcimer players first by TAB and then joined by all melodic and accompanying instruments using standard notation or playing by ear. Lorinda will teach mt. dulcimer and harp players, Kathy Wilde penny whistle and flute, Jannell Canerday the fiddle.  Chords provided for accompanying instruments. Guitar, fiddle, banjo, harp Irish whistle.Bring your strings and whistles and join the fun. Lorinda's group, na Skylark, will perform at 7:00 pm.

Carnegie Community Arts Center, 107 N. Main St., Somerset, KY

Price $20.00 Make checks out to Lorinda Jones and maill to Joe LaMay, PO Box 305, Somerset,KY 42502

Call 606 678-4292 for additional information or  private message me with your email and I'll attach the flyer
