Feb 2 Jam

Rob N Lackey
02/02/13 02:29:53PM

The February 2nd Jam for Patty Looman's Birthday has been postponed until next Saturday.

However, today Jim and Bev Fawcett, Kevin Messinger and I showed up not knowing about the postponement. We couldn't get in the church building for a while 'til a guy showed up to give a piano lesson and unlocked the door. We were having good conversation and a little playing when one of the members of the Mountaineer Club, Donna, came in wondering where everyone was. In about another 1/2 hour Lynn & Connie, hammered dulcimer players, also came wondering the same thing. So we had a little jam session, a great lunch and some more jamming before we had to part.

So.... if you go to a jam session and no one shows up at the appointed time, just wait around and you might just find a good time any way!
