Group Discussions
Strings for a six string
I have just bought a six string and am contemplating experimenting with the set up. Looking at what others do it seems like the main choice is the...
@John Rawlinson started 13 years ago - replies: 5
Favorite songs for 6 string?
Hi, my dulcimer group has been working on Christmas music lately, and I haven't had time to explore my new 6 string much yet. Since I'm not an...
@Colleen Hailey started 10 years ago - replies: 2
My First 6 String
Curly maple with walnut fretboard. Oddly, it only has 11 frets. Sound is fat and gorgeous. And loud. Really loud. Came today and I've already...
@Colleen Hailey started 10 years ago - replies: 2
Bought a new 6 String!
Had no plans whatsoever to get a 6 string at this time, but made the mistake of cruising E-bay and saw a new Ron Gibson selling much below his...
@Colleen Hailey started 10 years ago - replies: 1
Newbie 6 string question
Ignorant question. How do most people play their 6 stringers? I have an old Hughes church dulcimer that I played with a noter when I was a kid. It...
@Colleen Hailey started 10 years ago - replies: 6