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Shape notes 2a: 1872 Notation "Boylston" from Christian Harmony

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:12
Note that the 7th tone of the scale is "see" (si). The 7th tone of the scale was given a syllable name from "St Iohannes", the last two words of the medieval plainsong hymn which was used as a memory device for the scale tones: UT queant laxis REsonare fibris MIra gastorum FAmuli tuorum SOLve polluti LAbiireatum Sanctu Iohannes, Of course UT was changed to DO later on, and the 7th scale tone was added.
Ken Backer
10/22/15 07:40:10PM @ken-backer:

Thanks for posting, certainly is a different method of music.