I am new to music and the mountain dulcimer is my first instrument to learn to play.
I am fortunate to be on this site and meet up with the fabulous folks who are all very willing to share their knowledge of playing the MD. I fell in love with the sound of the MD and love playing noter/drone style. I also enjoy the history of the mountain dulcimer and learning about the early builders.
Early on I decided to choose 2 luthiers from our site to build my mountain dulcimers, I feel fortunate to have been able to buy my 2 "Dream Dulcimers", sense these instruments are barely known in the area where I live.
I am enjoying my "Dulci-Journey" and wish you all Happy Strumming!
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@Lexie R Oakley 10 years ago - Comments: 8
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@Lexie R Oakley 10 years ago - Comments: 12
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Posted: Sunday October 6 2024, 7:13 PM
By: @Susie
By: @Susie
Remember Our Friend Oliver Ogden.
Posted: Saturday September 22 2018, 11:51 AM
By: @Ken Longfield
By: @Ken Longfield
Let's talk about "Floating Bridges"
Posted: Saturday January 14 2017, 2:02 PM
By: @marg
By: @marg
Mountain Dulcimer Cd's you like to listen...
Posted: Thursday May 7 2015, 3:30 PM
By: @Lexie R Oakley
By: @Lexie R Oakley
Did you get a response to your question about the lady singing on the Larry Conger site? They had combined 2 songs Turtle Dove and ? sorry can't the recall the other.
Oh my gosh Lexie, you've logged in successfully and are back!! Yaaaaayyy!!!
Lexie - Alysha looks SOOO happy! She is growing up so fast!
Horses are wonderful - another of my loves for sure!
I am so relieved to hear that you're okay, Lexie...whew! Thank goodness for your farmer's snowsuit and Smiley. I'm very happy that he liked his video!!! I was hoping that watching Bea play would get his attention...sounds like it worked. Yay! Funny that Toffee wouldn't play with Bea and me but then decided she wanted her toys just as I started talking to Smiley. I couldn't help but to laugh! Hey, thank you so much for subscribing to my YouTube channel! That is so kind of you and very much appreciated!
A couple more subscribers and I can get my own URL with them, which will make things much easier for me. Again, yay! Anyway...snowsuit or not, please be careful out there, okay? Thank you!
Thank you Strumelia and Benjamin!!!
(I didn't know anyone else could see that. Lol!)
Oh my....that is so awesome! Awesomeness from Smiley, Lexie, Christine, and Beatrix!
That is just too darn sweet.
Hmm...never mind the copy and paste. After I hit "post" - it magically appeared. Sometimes I think I'll never get the hang of this stuff! Lol!!!
Oh no Lexie! -20 and you fell then struggled to regain your footing??? That distresses me more than you could know!!! I am so sorry.
Are you okay after that fall? I sure hope so! Thank goodness for Smiley!!! He's an amazing friend! Since I read that, I set all else aside and kicked his video into high gear. I had to change some planned shots out of respect to your recent peril (I will explain that sometime later, okay?). But I really wanted to get this to him ASAP so that I could thank him for being such a wonderful friend and taking such good care of you. Here is the link to his video:
It is on my Youtube channel but it's unlisted, so you will need to copy and paste the link into your browser, okay? Let me know if you have any problems with that. I hope that you are doing better and that the weather there has greatly improved. Take care, my friend.Thank you for the pics, Lexie! I was only able to open one, the jpeg with what I believe is you and Smiley at the Christmas tree, right? It's a wonderful picture - thank you so much! I looked up your story and really enjoyed it! Hey, there's no need for you to thank me for writing songs for Smiley. Your mention of you two watching dulcimer videos together touched me. When my heart is moved, I write songs. Be it a good or bad thing, it's just who I am. So actually, thank YOU for the new songs!!!
Lexie, I just read your profile intro, and you mentioned that you rejoined too. Why did you quit? (If you don't mind sharing)
Hi Lexie, yes, I'm re-starting. I'd gotten worried about the rules here - and elsewhere - about the public domain issue. As you know, I work a lot with previously published poems, and I got a lot of permissions for those that were not in public domain yet. But they are no longer allowed to be posted here, which I understand and is fine. Somehow I'd thought that staying here would crimp my style and it would affect my composing adversely, but instead I just felt a bit lost and lonely, so I'm back!
Hi Lexie, thanks, I've missed you too!
Smiley is a most interesting fellow. I would love to meet him sometime, Lexie! So you know, I would never be offended at being told a furry friend sings to my music. I would consider that the highest praise, indeed!!!
Your welcome Lexie, enjoy.
Lexie, Wow what a nice gift. I am glad she chose you to receive it . The Prichards are a fine playing instrument,and play much nicer with the just intonation. Again I'm happy that it went to a good place.
Thank you so much, Lexie! I have always appreciated your kind and generous support from the very first. It means more than you could know.
You can bet that I will be taking that with me to Nationals!
Hi Lexie
I am very pleased that you 've seen my clip .
Thank you very much
Oh Lexie, thank you.
Sometimes when I have a few minutes I like to go looking back at videos and music posted long ago, sometimes years ago. When I find something I can appreciate or that I feel might deserve another look from people, I 'like' it and/or comment on it....especially if it's by someone who doesn't post often on fotmd...and sometimes they get really surprised and happy that someone is still looking at their music.
Lexie wrote: Hey, I wanted to mention that Robert Schuler's song "Maggie" and Bob Riensel's song "Slane" did not show in the main audio feed. I only knew about them through other folks comments on them. Maybe it is a glitch.
Hi Lex!
The reason you did not see those two tunes in the Music section is because they were posted months ago. I 'liked' them and commented on them just the other day though, and that made them appear in the new Activity Feed, which is where you saw them.
For example, "Maggie in the Wood was posted by Robert way back in July 2015, and you can see it if you go to page 4 of the music section, here: http://fotmd.com/audio/p=4
You can also see Bob's "Slane" audio on page 4 there as well. It was posted 9 months ago, but again i just recently found it and commented on it or 'liked' it.
Hah, fooled you!
Sometimes items are from a long time ago so they don't show up on page 1 of any list or section anymore...gotta dig down for some of the gold.