Noter-drone player, retired hospital worker and political animal, old folkie, ocarina player, choral singer ...
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AllHaven't been in here for a while,
but I'm back. And I have just ordered a Singleton replica from John...
@B. Ross Ashley 6 years ago - Comments: 0
Clubs in the GTA
Talking to Syd got me wondering about groups of MD players around the...
@B. Ross Ashley 16 years ago - Comments: 8
Hi Ross, thanks for the welcome. I'm not exactly north of the lakes, quite a bit more north and west but real pleased with the Canadian viewpoint.
I live up in the Collingwood, Ontario area.
thanks buddy
Hi Ross ,thanks for your comment, always good to get some feedback. As someone who also was a Union Safety Rep , I enjoyed your 'asbestos noter' comment, tho' I would be worried that anything as hard as diamond would chew up my fretboard after a while!!
Wow. Chances are 99.9% that I know those people. I was TCCC co-chair at the time, as well as Cyclometer editor. Very small world!
Thanks for the welcome, Ross.So much great stuff and comments on your page. I'm listening to your choir video as I type this - takes me back to my school choirs. Try conducting 100+ kids who really would rather be somewhere else - until the applause!Interesting mention of a Tam Kearney dulcimer - reminiscent of the early 70's at Fiddler's Green, and someone (a hammered dulcimer afficianado) making fun of Tam's dulcimers with their little rubber feet.Sound holes? There are so many patterns now. My '74 Oskar Graf has four trillium sound holes - Ontario's provincial flower. It'll do, although anything goes. Whatever works for you ... .What wood works as a noter? I enjoy the "skirl" sound as they move up and down the fretboard. Thinking of trying it. Recommendations/advice gratefully accepted.
Hi Ross!I'm a bicyclist too!Here are our bikes: to have you here. :)