RavenMadd Garcia


Location: Newark, NJ
Country: US

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DianeL Lexie R Oakley Jan Potts Ken Longfield


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RavenMadd Garcia

any tips on making a replacement bridge

for a beat up old hughes  kit dulcimer ?...thank you
@RavenMadd Garcia 6 years ago - Comments: 8
RavenMadd Garcia

linoleum mountain dulcimer?????

I don't want to offend anyone with this idea ...had a guitar called a...
@RavenMadd Garcia 13 years ago - Comments: 3
RavenMadd Garcia

build a case for any instrument

sorry mods .....I dont know where to post this...
@RavenMadd Garcia 9 years ago - Comments: 2
RavenMadd Garcia

Another Tennessee Music Box Instructions

I float around this site called instructables .....sometimes folks...
@RavenMadd Garcia 12 years ago - Comments: 2
RavenMadd Garcia

how do you take apart a pallet without......

ruining the piece of wood you want ....we got a bunch of pallets with...
@RavenMadd Garcia 13 years ago - Comments: 4
RavenMadd Garcia

Dulcimer case made of pallet scraps?

as anyone attempted this?......I was just wondering ....see all this...
@RavenMadd Garcia 13 years ago - Comments: 2
RavenMadd Garcia

just won a wreck on Evil Bay

for $40.50......its work but I love to tinker ...give me your view on...
@RavenMadd Garcia 13 years ago - Comments: 16
RavenMadd Garcia

Took a drill to my Hondo 2

the buffalo secret tuners were killing me ....so I had a set of old...
@RavenMadd Garcia 13 years ago - Comments: 2

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Using a non-dulcimer case for a case?

Posted: Wednesday March 27 2019, 10:11 AM
By: @DebbieBerry

Building your own folk fiddle/violin plan

Posted: Tuesday December 23 2014, 6:20 PM
By: @Patty from Virginia

a digital data base of traditional folk tunes

Posted: Wednesday July 30 2014, 11:24 PM
By: @phil

I believe I got a Mcspadden Sweet Song?

Posted: Sunday November 4 2012, 9:55 AM
By: @John C. Knopf

Funky Dulcimer

Posted: Friday August 24 2012, 7:42 PM
By: @Jan Potts

Rocky Mountain Dulcimer Enterprises?

Posted: Wednesday August 15 2012, 12:02 AM
By: @RavenMadd Garcia

fine tuning beads????????

Posted: Monday July 2 2012, 2:23 PM
By: @RavenMadd Garcia


01/13/19 07:12:37PM @strumelia:

Nice to see you back again, Raven.  bananawave

11/06/16 06:48:12PM @dianel:

Hello I need to read my comments more often. Yes we seem to both be watching the Johnny Cash show when we were young. Its very nice to meet you


John W. McKinstry
08/10/14 05:30:40AM @john-w-mckinstry:

Hi Raven, I am glad to be added to your friends. JohnSmile.gif

John W. McKinstry
08/09/14 09:58:18PM @john-w-mckinstry:

Thanks Raven for your comment on my painting.Smile.gif

Patty from Virginia
11/25/12 01:10:39PM @patty-from-virginia:

Having a great day so far. I hope you are too. I've missed you on chatSmile.gif

11/25/12 11:24:58AM @strumelia:

Thanks Raven, my Sunday is just ducky so far! lol

Robin Thompson
11/25/12 10:25:34AM @robin-thompson:

Thank you, Raven. There's nothing like an old pet. . .

john p
10/04/12 07:14:45PM @john-p:

Hi there Raven, just found your invite.

Sorry for the tardiness :shamefaced:


chuck queisser
08/09/12 10:00:22PM @chuck-queisser:

I don't there is one person that builds dulcimers that would not jump in and do the same thing. Its the way dulcimer people roll, I have learned that since I got envolved.

John Keane
08/04/12 09:43:32PM @john-keane:

We have a few possums ourselves lol!

Ben Seymour
07/31/12 09:31:27PM @ben-seymour:

Your'e welcome. I hope they were helpful.

Ben Seymour


Rob N Lackey
07/26/12 07:54:14AM @rob-n-lackey:

Hey Raven, I know where Lackeytown Road crosses I-40, but I've never been on it. Never knew if there was a connection. Have a great day, buddy

Karen Keane
06/25/12 03:07:04PM @karen-keane:

No Ms. Keane, just Karen. If you have any questions, just holler!

06/24/12 10:20:09PM @strumelia:

Raven, thanks for letting me know that. Hope you love this site!

Dewey Parker
06/24/12 03:22:50PM @dewey-parker:

Thanks for the Friend invitation. Accepted and appreciated!Smile.gif


B. Ross Ashley
06/24/12 02:56:02PM @b-ross-ashley:

Hi, there, and welcome to our little corner of the music world! Smile.gif

John Keane
06/24/12 10:23:37AM @john-keane:

Howdy and welcome to FOTMD!

Jim Fawcett
06/23/12 10:25:54PM @jim-fawcett:

Welcome aboard, RavenMadd. Glad ya found us.

Dewey Parker
06/23/12 06:54:34PM @dewey-parker:

It was gracious of you to call meMr. Parker, but please feel free tojust call me Dewey.Smile.gif


Rob N Lackey
06/23/12 06:46:06PM @rob-n-lackey:

Welcome, RavenMadd, to this little corner of dulcimer heaven. As a guitarist too, I can tell you it's an enjoyable change and it will make you think about what you are playing. I find it helps my guitar playing as well. Hope you enjoy it here.
