General mountain dulcimer or music discussions
This is a good and useful discussion!
In reading the Berkeley guidelines, I have to say that some of those criteria for being Intermediate seem more suited for Advanced however. I'd never meet those standards, especially the parts about " to play in and modulate to different keys with and without a capo or retuning; to flat-pick and fingerpick a tune"..... sigh... I guess I'll be an eternal beginner.
Also, is it not possible to be considered an advanced player without ever reading either Tablature or sheet music?- an intriguing question.
NSThoreau, I think you are right about the fact that there is often less info geared towards the huge segment of people who have just gone beyond the beginner stage. There must be good explanations for this but I can't think of any right now.
One would think that by the time one is an 'advanced' player they'd be at the point where they could be teaching most of the workshops at festivals. Maybe there should only be one advanced workshop- called Teaching Advanced Playing Workshops... but then would they just be teaching each other how to teach the workshop? hahaha
Sorry I don't mean to make light of this, but the problems and ironies of this classification system have always struck me. I've always found workshop festivals to be a mixed bag, partly because it's hard for me to know where I even fit in, and often by the time I figure that out, it's over.
Lisa, I know you are serious, but you still brought a huge humongous smile to my face.
I certainly can't judge what "level" your career stands. But one thing I do know is this:
"If it wasn't for your videos, I may have given up early on. Far as I am concerned you be a "100." Seriously.