Forum Activity for @stephanie-stuckwisch

Stephanie Stuckwisch
12/27/09 05:05:17PM
45 posts

400 members coming up..

OFF TOPIC discussions

Crab cakes and fresh baked bread.
Stephanie Stuckwisch
12/25/09 01:29:11AM
45 posts

A Very Merry Christmas to all my New Friends

OFF TOPIC discussions

Happy Hannukkah, Joyous Solstice, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone on at FOTMD.
Stephanie Stuckwisch
12/13/09 08:03:04PM
45 posts

Those old builders knew what they were doing. My old dulcimer looks awfully slender next to my new ones, kinda like Twiggy vs Reubens, but her voice is sweet.Hope you enjoy you "new" one.Stephanie
Stephanie Stuckwisch
12/09/09 08:54:39PM
45 posts

STINKAROO advice...

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Brussels sprouts?! That guest isn't getting through the door. Mary Z. Cox said:
Well--this is not dulcimer related, but I just read a piece of real stinkaroo advice in today's local paper.
It was a short article telling folks that instead of bringing flowers or wine to dinner as a guest--we should consider bringing a stalk of brussels sprouts instead of flowers. Evidently they are in season and can be put in a vase--then taken out and eaten the next day for dinner. (yuk!)
Sure hope no one I know decides to take that advice--I'd mush rather have flowers and wine. :)
Stephanie Stuckwisch
12/06/09 09:31:26PM
45 posts

STINKAROO advice...

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Not sure if this counts, but I was advised to put geared tuners on my Edd Presnell dulcimer.And before anyone asks, I didn't do it.