400 members coming up..

Rod Westerfield
Rod Westerfield
15 years ago
109 posts
did some one say chili... yum yum.. :) :)
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
15 years ago
1,477 posts
Chili sounds great! I've got bread rising now, so I'll bring that when it comes out of the oven.
Michael Vickey
Michael Vickey
15 years ago
28 posts
450 members today!Michael
B. Ross Ashley
B. Ross Ashley
16 years ago
59 posts
I guess I am a little late, but I got us some genuine southern Ontario butter tarts for dessert.
Rod Westerfield
Rod Westerfield
16 years ago
109 posts
"Plop plop fizz fizz.. oh what a relief it is!"
Rod Westerfield
Rod Westerfield
16 years ago
109 posts
can some pass the taters down here....and some of Andy's stuffed mushrooms...
Bill Lewis
Bill Lewis
16 years ago
48 posts
16 years ago
2,321 posts
{{{burp}}}}...oh, excuse me! =8-o ;D

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Michael Vickey
Michael Vickey
16 years ago
28 posts
24 (glazed) Carrots as a prize for the 400th member, right Strumelia?Michael
16 years ago
2,321 posts
D'OH!!!!!....been checking off and on all evening....now I have to go to bed still not knowing who the 400th member will be! =8-o

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
16 years ago
357 posts
What recipe do you use. There is one I love that stuffs the caps with several different cheeses, bread crumbs and crisp bacon bits. Serve hot from the broiler. Andy Huffman said:
if I eat all this food then I am going to keep growing! :)

stuffed mushroom caps anyone?
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
16 years ago
1,477 posts
My plate's ready and my napkin's tucked under my chin. You dish it out, I can take it! :)
Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
16 years ago
2,157 posts
Leftover Shrimp & Andouille Alfredo on home made Fettucini.
16 years ago
2,321 posts
I'll be divin' into the crab cakes and sour cream potato latkes! =8-D(I already ate the wheat-a-pix that Rod sent me.) !!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
John Henry
John Henry
16 years ago
258 posts
Leftover Christmas Turkey anyone...........?tongue in ckeek, honest!JohnH
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
16 years ago
1,477 posts
Kind folks have showered us with candy-- toffee, chocolates of different kinds, bull's-eyes, Tootsie Rolls, and more. Y'all are welcome to any we've got; I won't hold back the stuff I like best. :)
16 years ago
2,321 posts
I just pulled a big bowl of fresh carrots from my garden today...the very last harvest from the garden this year. Glazed carrots! :D

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Stephanie Stuckwisch
Stephanie Stuckwisch
16 years ago
45 posts
Crab cakes and fresh baked bread.
16 years ago
357 posts
Potato latkes with sour cream and apple sauce, and just plain salt and pepper, in case you like them plain the way I do.
Rod Westerfield
Rod Westerfield
16 years ago
109 posts
Wow as Razyn pointed out our next member will be number 400.. we just keep growing.. Razyn said he was bringing Blackeyed Peas..so what is every one else bringing... I have some Chocolate Fudge and Ginger Cookies... :) :)
updated by @rod-westerfield: 01/13/19 05:09:18PM