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So I decided that it's time to take a deep breath and record my playing,...
@Stephanie Stuckwisch 16 years ago - Comments: 28
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AllNaming Dulcimers
Posted: Friday May 20 2011, 11:56 PM
By: @Paul Certo
By: @Paul Certo
Hi Stephanie, I share an interest in some of the same type of hymns you do.
I was struck by the fact that you had a interest in Taize Chants. My wife has just written some short scrpitural meditations that can be useed for individual mediations or in church services. I think they could be used very much like the Tazie Chants. In the nest week or two I will be singing four of them in the video section and though you might like to know qbout this.
I noticed you are a Blue Lion fan. I am searching for another dulcimer and considering a Blue Lion as one of my choices. I believe you may have a walnut or redwood hourglass with a cedar top? Wondering among those which have a mellow tone? I'm looking for a mellow-toned instrument well suited for finger-picking.
Thanks for any advice.
Mike Ebersohl
No, its actually better for me if you to buy it from me. Ill be bringing CDs and books to the workshops. Dusty Strings usually only picks up one or two copies of things and with six months in between my workshops, theyre probably out of stock by now.
Thanks for letting me know you signed up for the workshop, I appreciate that! Yes, Ill bring a copy of So Sang the River. Theyve carried it at Dusty but must have sold out. See you on the 17th!
Glad you're enjoying the singing group. Hope that the group continues to interest people.
I think that would work out really well to get them from Susan. I need to send more to her anyway. She told me one of her students is going to the Menucha dulcimer weekend so she was going to send one or two flyers with them. I will email Susan that they're coming, and send a bunch out this afternoon. Thank you so much!
Stephanie, are you going to go to that dulcimer workshop at Folklife? If so, would you be willing to hand out some flyers for my Dulcimer Week in the Wallowas? I'm in West Va. and am trying to find ways to reach people for our dulcimer camp in Oregon. I don't know if Susan Howell is going, I would think maybe not with all the irons she has in the fire. She's helped me get posters up in Seattle. Thanks! - Heidi
I love the trillium inlay on your Blue Lion it is beautiful!
Hi Stephanie -- I just started up a Pacific Northwest group. Wanna join?
Welcome Stephanie to the best place on the web FOTMD
welcome Stephanie ... glad ya joined the family... haveta excuse the youngun's the get carried away. :) :). I enjoy Shaker and Shaped note hymn as well... maybe you share some of your hymns with us in our hymn group here..
Rod must have been napping....Hi Stephanie, a warm welcome to you! :D