Forum Activity for @rod-westerfield

Rod Westerfield
09/07/09 07:03:01PM
109 posts

Our thanks to "Deputy Mo".

OFF TOPIC discussions

Yeah the weekend was really good.. picked up a couple custom made noters thanks to harpmaker... a new to to me dulcimer... Jill in a post to me me called it the it was made by Gary Sager... It is a really deep bodied dulcimer with 5 strings.. tuned to D'A'DAd... so you can play 3 strings closest to you as normal, or just top 3 as a Bass, or middle 3 as a Baritone (A'DA - reverse Ionian), or who knows what else,, has been fun exploring the possibilities. I will start thread, when I get some pics...
Rod Westerfield
09/07/09 06:24:48PM
109 posts

Our thanks to "Deputy Mo".

OFF TOPIC discussions

Glad to have helped out, just sorry didn't catch it sooner but I was playing my dulcimer (new one that is)... any time I still got a spare bullet left.... lol
Rod Westerfield
08/23/09 09:36:42PM
109 posts

I also prefer a Korg CA-30, I then use a signal/flex sf20 guitar tuner pickup with it, this is a suction cup pickup. I never really press it down, just use to isolate when tuning my dulcimer... I have tried several other tuners and have went back to the Korg ...
Rod Westerfield
03/16/10 06:59:52PM
109 posts

way to go Vicky.. just lat your case by where you are playing.. easier to hit.... :) :)
Rod Westerfield
09/19/09 12:25:06PM
109 posts

Zoom H2 Review

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I ready to assist as I can ... I know it was easy to use, that's what I really like about them.
Rod Westerfield
08/21/09 03:29:10PM
109 posts

Zoom H2 Review

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

While I was looking something else up came across this, thought I would share it... I sure like using mine...
updated by @rod-westerfield: 06/11/15 07:21:36AM
Rod Westerfield
08/17/09 03:21:28PM
109 posts

Here's another video to watch...Steve Eulberg playing it....
Rod Westerfield
08/18/09 09:47:30AM
109 posts

90 members in the Family

OFF TOPIC discussions

Roger.. I'll get some ultra's for you the are the toughest....
Rod Westerfield
08/17/09 09:46:59PM
109 posts

90 members in the Family

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WOW....100 strong.... guess I need to go to the dulcimer shop...I'm going to need a lot more wheat picks....
Rod Westerfield
08/17/09 02:22:20PM
109 posts

90 members in the Family

OFF TOPIC discussions

Ok, we're up to 99 now....
Rod Westerfield
08/15/09 11:31:29AM
109 posts

90 members in the Family

OFF TOPIC discussions

Well we know Dennis is bringing the Raspberries...LOL
Rod Westerfield
08/14/09 02:44:43PM
109 posts

90 members in the Family

OFF TOPIC discussions

WOW... 90 members... way to go Strumelia... great idea.. and what a family you have started... almost feels like time to all gather for supper...
updated by @rod-westerfield: 01/13/19 05:09:18PM
Rod Westerfield
08/15/09 12:28:29PM
109 posts

STINKAROO advice...

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I agree also, use different tuning to get the sound you want... after all as I tell my students and anyone that asks... that's why they call'em tuners, not fine tuners.. to many people use them to just fine tune to DAd or DAA...
Rod Westerfield
08/09/09 10:33:25PM
109 posts

The Dulcimer Book by Jean Ritchie

Dulcimer Resources:TABS/Books/websites/DVDs

Yep.. today I'd say 80% maybe more are in DAd, back then most were in CGG... oh changes whats next
Rod Westerfield
08/09/09 09:16:51PM
109 posts

The Dulcimer Book by Jean Ritchie

Dulcimer Resources:TABS/Books/websites/DVDs

Actually I meant the other books not hers...
Rod Westerfield
08/09/09 05:10:33PM
109 posts

The Dulcimer Book by Jean Ritchie

Dulcimer Resources:TABS/Books/websites/DVDs

It is a cool book... I just a couple months ago found it and many other of my books that I had bought in the late 70's..neat stuff imagine this a lot of tabs are in Ionian...hmmmm..LOL
Rod Westerfield
08/10/09 07:57:34PM
109 posts

WoW we have already topped 50 members

OFF TOPIC discussions

80 and still growing..... Strumelia, think you picked a winner idea. thanks again for all your work in setting this up..... CHEER, CHEER, CHEER....
Rod Westerfield
08/07/09 09:16:57AM
109 posts

WoW we have already topped 50 members

OFF TOPIC discussions

Yeah to growth...and big thank ya to Strumelia for starting this... three cheers...
Rod Westerfield
08/28/09 11:44:40PM
109 posts

Dulcimer or Guitar?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Well said Ken... I think you explained that well...... Wow Carson that's a question and half...hmmm have ta think on that one...I think is interesting to me that the dulcimer is able to play what music a person wants... I too have been playing for over 30 yrs... started out in CGG use a noter.... then went to play with my fingers, and even adding a few chords over the last year really... and yet the other day I set up a dulcimer with all .010 strings and even used a noter..( P.S. don't tell and even record a couple of them and posted I switching back to a noter.. probably not. But I think it is good we can try or play all skills or ways of playing the dulcimer... who's know which style you'll settle with... plus as a teacher my students may want to learn one way and not the other..So expand your horizons... try playing different ways....and make a luthier happy by a dulcimer for the different set ups.... cause your going to catch DAD (Dulcimer Acquisition Disease) anyway....
Rod Westerfield
08/23/09 10:45:42PM
109 posts

Dulcimer or Guitar?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I'm not sure that a fishing pole left, but I'll borrow one an let's go fishin.... love them worms...
Rod Westerfield
08/23/09 04:06:22PM
109 posts

Dulcimer or Guitar?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Oh we are not fussing.... this is fun challenging each others minds...LOL .... ok maybe a little fussing, but our fearless leader is
Rod Westerfield
08/23/09 02:52:38PM
109 posts

Dulcimer or Guitar?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Can't help but do this..... So, if we made a guitar in the shape of an hourglass dulcimer from the same wood ..... then you'd have a dulcimer.... I think your experiment would be a good idea... I also agree that plat techniques have a lot to do with sound also... but I still think the sound box has a greater influence on the sound. On a baritone dulcimer, we use guitar strings... but it still does sound like a guitar.... ok let the experimenting start...
Rod Westerfield
08/23/09 02:11:44PM
109 posts

Dulcimer or Guitar?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Carson stated..."A .012 piece of steel string is just a .012 piece of steel string though so the sound should be close no matter what we hang it on. Our sound box doesn't make nearly as much difference as playing style does."Sorry but I think I'm going to have to disagree, the sound box has a great effect on the sound..that comes from that string.... for one dimensions of the sound box will have an effect on the sound small body versus big body... I make dulcijo's which the bridge sits on a drum practice head, gives a different sound than my normal dulcimers... lots of sound box variables will play into the sound... but anyway just my opinion....
Rod Westerfield
10/28/09 08:43:58PM
109 posts

How did you first discover the mountain dulcimer?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Ed Buhler said:
I am amazed at its simplicity - anyone can play it first day - but its complexity. A lifetime isn't long enough to master it.
well said statement... I agree simple but as complex as you want it...
Rod Westerfield
08/17/09 07:51:40PM
109 posts

How did you first discover the mountain dulcimer?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Dick.. thanks for sharing your story... amazing what four bits will do to
Rod Westerfield
08/08/09 11:20:12AM
109 posts

How did you first discover the mountain dulcimer?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

We were on vacation in the Missouri Ozarks in the late 70's and saw several dulcimers.. loved the sound and playing ability.. so finally bought one... took it home to the Chicago suburbs area of course at that time there weren't any teacher or for that matter dulcimers in my area. So I just taught myself.. was playing guitar at the same time, then one day went to the music store a wow thay had a dulcimer... so I had to buy it..and that started the fun... when in college I had to take an art class, so I took a basic craft class, wound up that my project was to build a dulcimer..even got an A in the class..I continued playing dulcimer into the 80's, then I got married and the dulcimers went into the closet... but then one day several years later my duaghter found them in the closet, an out they came and have not been ignored since. I have now sold all my other stringed instruments, and just have dulcimers, dulcimers, and more dulcimers... currently in the house I think are 15 dulcimers, but one is my daughters...LOL...So now I teach and try to get others to keep their dulcimers out of the closet and off the wall....
Rod Westerfield
08/03/09 12:58:10PM
109 posts

my Mize dulcimer

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

I bknow it's a rough choice... but is it a playing dulcimer or collecting dulcimer... I would think about putting planetary tunes on it if you want to keep playing it... they tend to look better than guitar style tuners... the big thing to me (just me) but playability is more important than vaule...
Rod Westerfield
08/05/09 01:46:43PM
109 posts

Thanks Strumelia

OFF TOPIC discussions

Dennis... the easiest wat to get recording is... since you have a lap top... download Audacity and Lame... Audacity is a free recording program.. load it on your laptop... then plug a mic into the sound card, hit the record button in theprogram and guess what your recording... a simple mic works as well as a high dollar one for general recording... the Lame program is so you can save your work as an mp3 which you need to be able to download to most music applications like the one here..I have used to process to make 2 CD's that I have given away to friends..try it you'll like... if ya have questions ask away.. I try to answer them.. I have been blessed that our local college has allowed me to audit classes... of which my last were sound recording... what fun..
Rod Westerfield
07/31/09 11:37:06PM
109 posts

Where's your favorite place to play?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I normally play in my room sitting on the edge of my bed, or at my desk in the living area... and outside if the weather is ok....