WoW we have already topped 50 members

16 years ago
2,321 posts
You are all most welcome. :)I too am delighted and amazed at how much people seem to like the place.I was kind of lucky in that these past two weeks I coincidentally did not have a lot of patent invention illustration jobs piled on my desk for a change (my actual 'day job'...yes I do actually have a real JOB!). So I was able to take the time for the most time consuming/tweaking part of getting FOTMD set up. My wonderful Brian was very understanding as I took this time off of our regular work. Now it seems to only need modest changing and adjusting here and there, for ongoing growth/maintenance.I am so very gratified to see how happy folks are with it so far- believe me, that makes every moment spent well worthwhile. Such a wonderful bunch of people. Yay! Thank you!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Rod Westerfield
Rod Westerfield
16 years ago
109 posts
80 and still growing..... Strumelia, think you picked a winner idea. thanks again for all your work in setting this up..... CHEER, CHEER, CHEER....
Dennis Waldrop
Dennis Waldrop
16 years ago
16 posts
We are now almost to 75. Growing fast and becoming Good Neighbors (sounding like an Insurance comercial)!
16 years ago
2,321 posts
Make that 60.:D

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Rod Westerfield
Rod Westerfield
16 years ago
109 posts
Yeah to growth...and big thank ya to Strumelia for starting this... three cheers...
Bill Lewis
Bill Lewis
16 years ago
48 posts
I'll third that feeling too.Bill
16 years ago
2,321 posts
I'm pretty amazed myself as to how quickly it is growing. I am so pleased that it seems so easy to make friends here and get to know each other better. People who were just names to me before are now suddenly more like friends. I really love that. And new people from all over are appearing- people with many varied mountain dulcimer musical tastes and styles, even from various countries. I also am sensing that this site makes it very easy for beginners to feel comfortable- YAY!Thank you and everyone here SO MUCH for making it a success! :D

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Dennis Waldrop
Dennis Waldrop
16 years ago
16 posts
This site is growing daily. It is nice to be part of a new adventure and one connected to the Mountain Dulcimer. I am having fun here and enjoy the ease in which to do certain things such as add photos or add friends. Agains kudos for starting this forum
updated by @dennis-waldrop: 01/13/19 05:09:18PM