Forum Activity for @mj

05/21/24 08:00:18PM
3 posts

buzzy strings

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Hi Dwain; here are my answers . Thanks for your help

Are all the strings buzzing? YES
Are the buzzes on a single fret or a group (or groups) of frets? Mostly from fret 2 and up.(the lowest string is not as bad)
What is the scale length (measure from the nut or the center of the zero fret to the 7th fret to get the nominal scale length).

12 1/4 inches 

What are the string gauges? .012 .012  .020 ( ( think)
What is each one tuned to? D A D 
Can you slip a nickel coin between the last fret and the bass string? YES
Is there any buzzing on the open (not pushed down at any fret) strings? Yes but its slight and intermittent.

05/17/24 05:55:41PM
3 posts

buzzy strings

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Thanks for the good advice about anchor pegs- that dulcimer  now has a new anchor, loop end strings and her owner is delighted.  

Now I have a new question. Is there an easy way to fix buzzy strings.  I recently replaced friction tuners ( no screw on the end- just pegs) with geared tuners - in order to make a donated dulcimer tunable and playable. the Strings buzzed before I changed to geared tuners, I think it is slightly better but I was wondering if there is an easy fix for buzzy strings.

04/28/24 01:21:09PM
3 posts

anchor pin pulled out

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

. A member of my embroyic duclimer group recently purchased a second hand dulcimer.  It looks and sounds great  but when she was tuning it  one of the anchor pegs pulled out ( I have posted a picture).  One problem is that it was holding two strings and she is happy to revert to a three stringed instrument.  It looks like a relatively easy fix to me but I don't want to make it worse and I;m not a luthier and there do not seem to be many people on cape cod who even know what a dulcimer is, let alone how to safely replace the anchor.

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