Carts for hauling your stuff around at a workshop
Dulcimer Resources:TABS/Books/websites/DVDs
see as howI have been unable to attend any workshops this is something I have never thought about befor.
see as howI have been unable to attend any workshops this is something I have never thought about befor.
Hi Bill could you also send me that same information.
gee just when I think i have mad progress along comes this
honestly I loved it.
wow forgot about this one. lost all my book marks while back, now i can add this one back.
yep it was worth the work. I have put the 3nd son to the side for the moment and working on a John Denver Song thats coming along a lot easier. when all else fails take the easy way.
Babs Greene said:
Great going, Phil!
and even though some songs/tunes take a little more to work out, the immense satisfaction at the end is worth the hair pulling moments
phil said:Got it to work. Just working out the bugs and I will soon be playing somewhere over the rainbow. Just wish the 2nd song was going as easy.
goes Harmonica 3 6 -5 5 4 That starting with to A's just not sure witch ones yet
Thanks Dusty I don't know what it is about music theory that confuses me. I don't know if it is because I learned so long ago( and that more years than I will admit to ) to play by ear an can only read the basic in music. maybe one day I will understand it. As for the song I picked, I chose one that I know well. So I would be able to tell if I got it right. Now that you have give me the key to understanding. I have a couple of harmonica books I need to dust off and get to work.
Thanks again, I can be a really dork sometimes.
Here the link to one of the songs I found, but everything I seem to find is in the key of C.
Tom McDonald said:
Are you thinking of harmonica tab, Phil? Or standard music notation? Can you post a link to whatever you are trying to convert? It would be easier to show you using your specific example than to just speak in generalities.
phil said:I think I under stand that. but the problem I have is how do you change something form the key of C to the Key D I seem to can't get a handle on how to do that.
250 - Happy Birthday FOTMD!
I just received my New Dulcimer this morning From Jack Ferguson. Jack has out did himself with this one. I started this build almost two years ago but we all know the string of bad luck I had. I was never able get much done on it. so it sit as a pail of wood. Bobby was going to take a shot at finishing it for me. The bad luck followed with it and bad health kept him from doing the build. Then Jack stepped up and was able to bring my dream to life. Along the way things changed and the ideal grew. one reason for the sound holes of the Phoenix is a sign of rebirth. My life and the life of the Dulcimer Have both been given that 2nd chance.
The reason for the name Ol' Hickory, is that it is mad from 99 percent Indiana Hickory The finger broad is Purple hart, witch just sits it off. The on-board electronics provide under-bridge pickup with 4-band Equalizer, and a convenient LCD Tuner.
Yes they do sound good together. Your starting to make me want one of these. Love the look of the Dulcimer in the Video, Haven't seen one shaped like that pretty cool.
Peter W. said:
HI Peter, Inserting interment ya have there. After hearing your videos' I may have to get one. looks like it fun to play.
nice find. I am glade that it has found a new home and will be once again singing happily. have you tried looking in the sound holes to see if there writing on who made it?
wow never realized that the kazoo was that old? can't wait to hear it played. Might have to get one of my own.
yep. It's a carry over from playing guitar.
Sorry it took so long to get this posted. But we are still moving into our new home. This is something That seemed to write it's self It just came out the first time I played it. I been calling it "Butterfly Garden" sorry for the bad quality of the video and sound I used my laptop nothing fancy.
I don't think I can take another winter here in Indiana. Ken all I have to do now is get my wife to load up the car and I am there.
I know some of you have been waiting to see what I got in the mail. Been having trouble with my SD card taking to my lap top or I would have had this up sooner. I tell I still can't believe it even though I have been playing on it everyday. One Baritone Dulcimer. I love the way she sings. she made of maple and walnut. think the two sound holes are trying to tell me its time to move south. I know there are a few dulcimer players in FL.
hope these didn't come out to big..I am not promising anything. But I might try and post a video later so ya'll can hear it, I have been working on a song of my own. It just seemed to come out of this dulcimer. Just remember I tend not to do well in front of video camreas.
my ears are not that good to be able to tell. Best I can do is tell one instrument from another
yep sure was. One ofthe best mail I have ever gotten. I am still smiling like a frog on a hot summer day sitting on a Lilly pad.
oh that was bad.
Robin Thompson said:
I'd wager your mail the other day was way better than mine,Phil. :)
phil said:as soon as i get some new battery for my camera I will show ya'll what I got in the mail.
I know i have been missing for a few days. nothing bad has happen, we have been moving into our new place. still have some things to get moved. then we will decide what we are going to do and where we want to live. so for now we are renting.
as soon as i get some new battery for my camera I will show ya'll what I got in the mail.
I know i have been missing for a few days. nothing bad has happen, we have been moving into our new place. still have some things to get moved. then we will decide what we are going to do and where we want to live. so for now we are renting.
Wow good things really do happen. I always knew there where some awesome people here. But today just blew me away when I went to the mail. I am not sure if I can say what came, but there are some really spectacle people here. I would like to thank them for what they have done. Oh and ya can't knock the smile off my face no matter how hard you try. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Well we have finely started to move into a new place, the owner still needs to fix a couple of things as we move in. Then yesterday we got hit with an Ice and snow storm and its a whooping 9 degrees out today. So moving anything else has been put on hold for now.
One thing I already know that I am going to have to find away to do is somehow build a better way of getting into this place there are three step to get into the front door there is no landing and no railing. the owner not going to do anything the steps that are there they are good, It's just my knees and hips are not.
We've been down to the ol' home place going through things to see what can be saved and what to take, what to leave, what to sell. you would be amazed at how much stuff we collect over a life time. Some of this stuff I don't even remember. Then there are the things that set off a flood of memory's Like all the marks beside the door where each child has been measured over the years to show how much they grew and the new fresher marks as Grand children came into the family. All the birthdays and holidays, all the laughter and tears, A family was here the children learned about life here through both good times and bad, they had each other, they explored the world around them. Then to soon they where gone... Then they came back but not alone, soon there where Grandchildren and a new life had started.
Now is a time for a new chapter in life to begin, we don't know where it going to take us. Things can and will be replaced and broken and replaced again. but they are things that do not matter.. Life will go on no fire on can take what is in our hearts. The memory's are ours to keep, New ones will now be made in a new place over time. there is even talk of moving to a new state. I had enough of cold and snow.
OK ready for round 3. I am starting to believe God is trying to tell me something. Since I was last here I have spent the last week and half in the Hospital after the fire I had been feeling sick, Seen my Doc and was told I had the flu and bronchitis. So after getting meds to feel better, taking them for a week ,I was not getting any better, I was told to head to the ER. Found out I now had Pneumonia. I remember being out of my head a few times with high fever, I know it looks like I have a big head and all, But it takes some work to get out of them little holes to be out of your head.
I am finely back where I was, staying with family. hopefully we will have a place tomorrow. I am taking my meds and now have an O2 tank to carry around. But...Hey I am still here and Kick'n
well I have some good news and some bad news.Might as well get the bad news out of the way. I started out with the flu and ended up with bronchitis
Well the good. I am no longer homeless. it gets even better. We been approached with and offer to sell the old house. I know we wont get what i was worth before he fire but if the stars aline we should have a nice little nest egg.
well we went to rent a place today. Just sitting here now waiting to hear if we get it or not. how do you have references when you have lived in the same place for the last 25 years. waiting just makes me nervous.
I am madder than a wet hornet right now. This week has not been a very good one first we lost our house to a fire, then we gave up our dogs so they would have a place to live. The Red Cross was kind enough to give us a credit card that there is to be no taxes paid even the letter they gave us to show stores say it is a sate law. but do you thank that maters to the people at walmart... NOPE first they where not going to take the card because we did not work for the Red Cross. When we got them to understand we could use the card and they had to use a Tax code number that they have on file for the Red Cross so we would not have to pay Taxes on the clothing we where replacing. a call was mad to the mangers office and they refused to do what the letter said, that we where given by the Red Cross was telling them to do. They wanted them taxes. I looked them in the eyes and said loud enough for everyone to hear. I may have lost my home to a fire and maybe homeless now, but I don't have to stand here and be treated like I am trying to steal something. we took the letters and card and left everything we had sitting on the counter over $200.00 I in new clothing. I don't need walmart they had better wake up to that fact. I know Rule King will honer it and Burlington will also.
Sorry just had to vent.
some good news we have line on a place to rent. we have the paper work done will take it back monday and will know something in a week or so.
I am emberrused to say that we did not have insurance. for unknown reason our insurance had canceled us around this time last year,we had some snow damage that we turned in they came out and looked at it then a couple months later we got a letter saying that we had been canceled.
We have been in touch with the Red Cross and they have been very helpful in getting us moeny to buy cloths and other items we are going to need.
I did get my Dulcimer open today and my little baby is doing ok. So the others I hope will come out ok also.
There are a few kind so try to help us. I wish I had ya'll for neighbors I have not seen hide nor hair of mine even the night of the fire not one came out of their house to offer a place to come out of the cold. I have helped just about everyone there at some point, I am not going to cruse them if they can not find it in their hearts to do the same, hopefully they will help someone else down the line.
We are still homeless for now. but we now have number to call and starting to put a plan together.
I would also like to think everyone here for your prayers and support. that go a long way in a time like this. ( now where is that little hugging smily?)
Last night we lost our house, what way to start. We had an electric fire that started in the attic. The firemen told me last night it looked like it had smolder for several hours. We didn't know anything until it was already to late. Something woke us up and we kept hearing a popping sound. when we went in to the living room I knew what the sound was, it was coming from an outlet. smoke had started to feel the room. at that time we had no ideal we had a fire above our heads.
I called 911 and they where there I a very short time. all kinds of police, sheriff, state police, ambulance and three fire trucks. My heart felt thanks go out to all of them.
We where able to save our dogs, as of now they have a new home with my sister-in-law. I don't know yet if any of my musical instruments have survived or not they where in the case and gig bags all had been cover in water turned to ice. I hate to think of my poor Dulcimer being gone.mandolins,guitars. I don't know what I will do if any of them a ruined. I am already homeless I might need them to make mony playing on the street corner.
I going to go for now I will be back when I can we a staying with family for now.