New Robert Schuler Dulcimers

4 years ago
89 posts

Thanks. In case anyone doesn’t know, Robert is on the site if you’re thinking about a new dulcimer. 

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,472 posts

@traildad I enjoyed seeing your pictures and hearing your play!  Those instruments have a great  old-timey sound and you play them very well.  Have fun with those nice frogfiddles!  

4 years ago
89 posts


4 years ago
89 posts

I’ve added two Robert Schuler dulcimers to my collection. They are pretty close to identical and I’ve strung them so I can tune one to C or D and the other to G or A. They are deep body dulcimers and I am very happy with them. The workmanship looks great and I love the sound. I’ll post some photos and a sound sample. Just don’t blame him for my limited musical ability. winker

updated by @traildad: 10/02/21 10:37:12PM