First Try at Tabedit
I purchased TablEdit and worked through a 16-bar song. I chose Burn's Log Camp from the book "Songs of the Sailor and Lumberman" by William Doerflinger. It was in the Key of D which helped.
Anyway, everything seemed to work out with one exception. The tabs are all shown on the bass string. The notes on the staff all look fine.
What am I doing wrong? Can I post the TEF file here? The book was published in 1951 and these were songs Doerflinger recorded while a student from Princeton in the 30s ad 40s, as he went around the Canadian Maritimes and Maine. The composer of this one is unknown. So I don't think there is a copyright, but wanted to ask before posting it. There are a couple of other questions I would like to ask but they would be easier if ask if you could see the tab.