Group Discussions
Today In Mountain Dulcimer History: April
@David Bennett started 5 years ago - replies: 13
Today In Mountain Dulcimer History: March
@David Bennett started 5 years ago - replies: 12
History of Women Players
I once read that 80 to 90 percent of Holly Tannen students were women. If you look at current photos of workshops, festivals etc. most are women....
@Homer Ross started last year - replies: 21
An Appalachian Dulcimer Sculpture
An Appalachian Dulcimer Sculpture
@David Bennett started 2 months ago - replies: 2
Today In Mountain Dulcimer History: February
Today In Mountain Dulcimer History: February
@David Bennett started 5 years ago - replies: 8
Today In Mountain Dulcimer History: January
Today In Mountain Dulcimer History: January
@David Bennett started 5 years ago - replies: 7
Today In Mountain Dulcimer History: DECEMBER
@David Bennett started 7 years ago - replies: 15
Lucy M. Long's brief history of the mountain dulcimer
A nice succinct article of the basics.
@Strumelia started 4 months ago - replies: 5
William Duke Tester - Beech Mountain Dulcimer Maker
According to Lucy Long in her dissertation on the dulcimer traditions of Beech Mountain, North Carolina in the early years of the 20th century...
@Banjimer started 6 years ago - replies: 10
Today In Mountain Dulcimer History: November
@David Bennett started 5 years ago - replies: 19
Rolling Stones' Brian Jones and the mountain dulcimer on stage
Just two pictures found on the internet when doing some research. The two songs Jones played on the dulcimer were 'Lady Jane' and 'I Am...
@Wout Blommers started 11 years ago - replies: 11
1973: Multitude of Tunes Heard on ‘Bowers’ Music Box’
@David Bennett started 7 months ago - replies: 2
Today In Mountain Dulcimer History: October
@David Bennett started 5 years ago - replies: 5
Today In Mountain Dulcimer History: September
@David Bennett started 6 years ago - replies: 9
1976 Hamer
Looking for any information on the maker Philip Hamer of Kingsport, TN
@Dan started 6 years ago - replies: 8
Stanely Hicks dulcimer
Hello, I'm seeking some advice. I found this rather beat-up old dulcimer at a local thrift store last week here in Western, North Carolina. There...
@Connemara started 8 months ago - replies: 7
Today In Mountain Dulcimer History: August
@David Bennett started 6 years ago - replies: 11
Melungeon outdoor drama: Walking Toward the Sunset
My latest dulcimentary:
@David Bennett started 9 months ago - replies: 0
Today In Mountain Dulcimer History: JULY
@David Bennett started 6 years ago - replies: 10
Snuffy Smith
Does anyone know if a dulcimer made an appearance in the Snuffy Smith comic strip?
@Homer Ross started 10 months ago - replies: 2