McSpadden's do have a nice sound.
Thank you...oh, she is soooo nice! I usually play that better than I did in the clip. I should work up my nerve and do the entire thing!
What a nice-sounding dulcimer, Lisa! Your next assignment is to post a full version of Southwind, which sounds good from the bit you shared with us.
That cherry McSpadden has a lovely tone, Lisa!
McSpadden's do have a nice sound.
Thank you...oh, she is soooo nice! I usually play that better than I did in the clip. I should work up my nerve and do the entire thing!
What a nice-sounding dulcimer, Lisa! Your next assignment
is to post a full version of Southwind, which sounds good from the bit you shared with us.
That cherry McSpadden has a lovely tone, Lisa!