"Retired" from 25 years in IT to attend law school, now a legal aid attorney who writes novels, paints, does photography--and plays the dulcimer!
My first dulcimer is a cardboard one from Backyard Music. It hooked me. The picture is of the Cedar Creek Walnut Classic that I built!
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AllBest starting point for arranging music?
I would like to arrange some popular/modern songs for the dulcimer, but...
@LisavB 6 years ago - Comments: 3
Another string-related question
So, I normally play in DAD, but I'm studying Jessica Comeau's book, and...
@LisavB 6 years ago - Comments: 3
Capo off when not playing?
I'm working on learning a song right now that requires the capo on 1, so...
@LisavB 6 years ago - Comments: 8
Played "junior luthier" today
Built a Cedar Creek solid walnut hourglass dulcimer earlier this year....
@LisavB 6 years ago - Comments: 2
Luthier's Handbook--tap tuning for dulcimers?
Hi all, I "built" a cardboard dulcimer late last year from a kit, then...
@LisavB 6 years ago - Comments: 10
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AllMcSpadden v. Folkcraft?
Posted: Sunday March 9 2025, 10:47 PM
By: @
By: @
You know your dulcimer has a hold on you...
Posted: Saturday December 26 2020, 12:22 AM
By: @banjelele
By: @banjelele
1-2-4 Chord Surprise!
Posted: Saturday January 18 2020, 10:34 AM
By: @LisavB
By: @LisavB
Welcome LisavB to Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. Glad you joined. This is a great place to learn all about the mountain dulcimer and to meet many new friends. Best wishes on your dulcimer journey.