Lynn Peachey


Location: Reedsville, Pa.
Country: USA

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Lynn Peachey
03/12/24 10:01:24PM @lynn-peachey:

John C. Knopf:

Lynn, owning four dulcimers is.... a GOOD START! 

My dulcimer-building buddies and I could load your house up with them, if you so chose.  We call that "developing D.A.D.", or "Dulcimer Acquisition Disease".  A warm welcome to you!

LOL. So then I have permission to expand. I like the DAD definition.  Thank you for the kind welcome. 

John C. Knopf
03/12/24 09:40:12PM @john-c-knopf:

Lynn, owning four dulcimers is.... a GOOD START! 

My dulcimer-building buddies and I could load your house up with them, if you so chose.  We call that "developing D.A.D.", or "Dulcimer Acquisition Disease".  A warm welcome to you!

Lynn Peachey
03/11/24 03:17:46PM @lynn-peachey:

Jim Fawcett:

Hey Lynn, welcome aboard. Glad ya found us.

Thank you. I was invited by Ken Longfield, a friend. 

Lynn Peachey
03/11/24 11:46:21AM @lynn-peachey:

Ben Barr Jr:

Hi Lynn, and welcome to the wonderful world of the Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer.  It's a good place to come, spend some time, learn about the dulcimer, and to meet some good people.


Thank you so much. I'm a friend of Ken Longfield who is also on this group. He has taught me so much. I'm finding dulcimers are addictive! I have 4 now. Shameful. Lol

Ben Barr Jr
03/11/24 10:23:52AM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Hi Lynn, and welcome to the wonderful world of the Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer.  It's a good place to come, spend some time, learn about the dulcimer, and to meet some good people.


Lynn Peachey
03/11/24 09:25:09AM @lynn-peachey:

Jim Fawcett:

Hey Lynn, welcome aboard. Glad ya found us.

Thank you. I am too. 

Jim Fawcett
03/11/24 09:20:01AM @jim-fawcett:

Hey Lynn, welcome aboard. Glad ya found us.

Lynn Peachey
03/07/24 07:49:15PM @lynn-peachey:

Richard Streib:

Welcome Lynn Peachey to Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. So glad you joined. This is a wonderful place to interact with others who love the dulcimer, to learn a lot, to make new dulcimer friends and to get all your questions answered. We are here to support each other.

Thank you so much. I love learning and growing in my playing. I'm happy to be a part of this group. 

Richard Streib
03/07/24 07:01:12PM @richard-streib:

Welcome Lynn Peachey to Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. So glad you joined. This is a wonderful place to interact with others who love the dulcimer, to learn a lot, to make new dulcimer friends and to get all your questions answered. We are here to support each other.

Ken Longfield
03/06/24 08:34:37PM @ken-longfield:

Hi, Lynn, welcome to FOTMD. I hope you enjoy this site and company here. You'll have fun looking through all the information here.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."