Adjusting a floating bride

Jean Van Erem
02/28/14 08:33:48AM

I'mcalling on the builders' expertise for this.I recently purchased an older Black Mountain ('78)from ebay. Lucky for me it was in pretty good (used) shape, just needing new strings and a good cleaning. However, the floating bridge was not in the right place. After a couple hours of moving it and checking/re-checking tune, I think I've got it where it should be, and marked the fretboard. (I hope that is not cheating!)

So, my philosophical question is why use a bridge that can get out of position? My practical question is did I approach this the best way (adjusting and checking, and adjusting and checking...)? After all this I think it's got a very sweet high voice and I'm happy to add it to the mountain dulcimer clan in my home.

The action is a little higher than I like.Any suggestions howto remedy that?

Many thanks- Jean