Group Discussions
Tuner help please
Hello friends. I write to you all in need of help. Last year I was given a dulcimer by a friend who thought that I would play it more than her. I...
@Sal Monella started 3 months ago - replies: 7
Zero Fret
What are the pros and cons of using a zero fret? Should it be higher that other frets or same?
@Caleb Dan Bennett started 10 years ago - replies: 12
The Physics of Sound as it Pertains to Dulcimers
I am new to this forum as well as new to dulcimers and making them. So this may be a topic already covered somewhere on this site. I am working on...
@Cottage Timbre started 2 years ago - replies: 21
Does anyone know of Robert(?)J Anderson
I have come across a galax style dulcimer made by someone I believe is Robert J Anderson. The writing inside is a bit of a scrawl, so I can’t be...
@Deborah on the Hudson started 9 months ago - replies: 8
To What Extent Do You Plan Your Builds
Hello builders! Just wondering about y'all's mindset toward planning. Do you operate entirely off plans? Do you build completely off intuition? Or...
@Nate started 9 months ago - replies: 18
Wood types
I'm just about to start making my first dulcimer. I've previously made a mahogany ukulele from a StewMac kit and a Cajon from scratch. For the...
@Liquidtouch started 2 years ago - replies: 21
Fret Calculations for Just Intonation and its Effect on Modes
As we all know, traditionally the dulcimer was a drone instrument where a fretted melody string was played against drones. And traditionally the...
@Robin Clark started 10 years ago - replies: 101
false bottoms = added mass?
Hey folks I've been thinking lately about false bottoms. Mainly about how possum boards deliberately suspend a dulcimer from the headstock and...
@Nate started 2 years ago - replies: 26
Fan Frets
Has anybody built or seen a dulcimer with fan frets? If so what our thoughts on playability, tone etc?
@Homer Ross started 2 years ago - replies: 9
Japanese Saws
I have never used a Japanese saw but have been interested in trying one out. I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience using one for any wood...
@Homer Ross started 2 years ago - replies: 5
What are the tedious parts of dulcimer building?
Hello skilled craftsmen, I've heard some people say that it takes them very long amounts of time to build a dulcimer in interviews. Often in the...
@Nate started 2 years ago - replies: 8
Fret Saw Sharpening
Has anyone tried to sharpen a fret saw? If so how did it go? Thanks for your feedback.
@Homer Ross started 2 years ago - replies: 6
Gluing resonant objects inside soundbox?
Hey folks I was hoping someone might have some insight on a thought I had. I've been thinking about trying to glue things like cookie tins to the...
@Nate started 2 years ago - replies: 9
Possum boards
Thinking about trying a dulcimer with a possum board. What kind of wood does one use for the back? How thick is the actual possum board.
@Dale A Penrose started 2 years ago - replies: 5
String physics question
Hey folks. Some of my dulcimers have a lot of string length that is outside of the VSL. I have one that has a 23" vsl, with about 8" of additional...
@Nate started 2 years ago - replies: 3
buzz in low D on ginger
Hello! I have a new ginger setup in DAD (that I love) but…it has a buzz in the low D. Ideas?
@kathleen started 2 years ago - replies: 3
Luthiers Mercantile
Just noticed an email from Luthiers Mercantile saying they were closing the doors this fall.
@Homer Ross started 2 years ago - replies: 12
Choice of Wood for Fingerboard?
Hello craftsmen of FOTMD! I was hoping for some opinions on if the choice of wood for the fingerboard affects tone very much. If so what woods do...
@Nate started 2 years ago - replies: 8
How Much is my Weird Dulcimer Worth?
Hello craftsmen of FOTMD! I built a dulcimer from "upcycled" materials that turned out kind of lame, but the intonation on it is good. I figured...
@Nate started 2 years ago - replies: 5