How I learned to build dulcimers

09/17/20 06:27:53AM

I thought y'all might find this silly. This is the page from a 'reader's digest' homesteading book which I learned to build dulcimers from


Prior to reading this I had only heard of dulcimers from old timers in the Ozarks, and when I found it, this page took over my lifestyle as I already was enjoying building cigar box guitars, but this single page presented me a much larger opportunity to improvise. Once I built my first dulcimer from the guide shown here


I was thoroughly hooked. This page of this book is severely limited and I surely would not have experimented with duclimers as much as I have were it not for the things it failed to properly explain. Now it is a lot of fun for me to experiment and show the local dulcimer players my wild inventions. To think I'd still be building cigar box gitties were it not for this page in a book that has nothing to do with this wonderful instrument!