Bonaparte Crossing the Rocky Mountains - A',A,d tuning - Reed Noter and Leather Pick

Robin Clark
05/10/12 06:29:56PM

Here is "Bonaparte Crossing the Rocky Mountains". I heard the tune played on banjo by Bob Carlin earlier this week and went searching for other versions. This is an amalgamation of Bob's version plus one by a fiddler and one by a mandolin player I found.

I used a cherry McSpadden with a pure diatonic fretboard. The instrument was tuned A',A,d and played with a reed noter and a leather pick. The reed noter gave me a hard noter surface to get the missing C# in part B by rocking the noter up onto its nose. I tried the tune using an instrument with a 6+ but for the sake of getting that one note the added fret messed upthe rest of the tune So I just used the noter rocking technique at that point. I tried quite a few picks and quills but settled on a piece of leather to keep the tone mellow.