dulcimer tab with Finale 2012

Jerry C Rockwell
05/18/13 04:24:37PM

the folks at MakeMusic had a great price on their Finale 2012 notation software, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. My main dulcimer tab program is Noteability Pro and I need to relearn TablEdit, so I didn't get a copy of Finale to replace these programs, but I might try some DAD tab just to see if it works.

Well.... the answer is: it doesn't work at all for half-frets -- at least in the way through the program that is most tied into diatonic fretboard and definitions of fret patterns. I know many dulcimer teachers using Finale for a long time have resorted to the work-a-round of entering fret numbers as lyrics, with different verses corresponding to which string the number goes on. This sounds clunky in some ways, but the final result is very clean and professional-looking. And people who have been using it this way seem to have it down cold.

So..... before I jump into the numbers-as-lyrics mode with both feet, does anyone have any thoughts or words of caution for me?

Thanks in advance for any help!
