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@themusicaldabbler • 2 months ago • comments: 1
Created a new Group discussion "Tuning question":
"Almost brand new noter drone player. I'm (somewhat) systematically working through Strumelia's blog. I read so much info waiting to receive my dulcimer,..."
@themusicaldabbler • 2 months ago • comments: 4
Posted a new Comment on @themusicaldabbler:
"Yes, Ken, and thank you! If I had realized my answers to those questions were going directly on my profile, I would have written more carefully I was..."

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Tuning question

Almost brand new noter drone player. I'm (somewhat) systematically...
@TheMusicalDabbler 2 months ago - Comments: 1

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Ben Barr Jr
12/13/24 09:58:16AM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Hi Dabbler, and welcome to the wonderful world of the Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer.  It's a good place to come, spend some time, learn about the dulcimer, and to meet some good people.


Richard Streib
12/12/24 07:32:42PM @richard-streib:

Glad you joined TheMusicalDabbler. Welcome to Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. This is a very welcoming and friendly community of great folks. Look around and see all the information here. Present day players in general prefer chord style playing. There are a number of us here who prefer to play noter drone style.

While most dulcimers can be played noter drone, once you have played a while and find you prefer noter drone there are differences in the manufacturing design for the dulcimers which folks play noter drone style. Please ask as you have questions. We are here to support each other in our dulcimer journeys.

12/12/24 01:13:09PM @themusicaldabbler:

Yes, Ken, and thank you! If I had realized my answers to those questions were going directly on my profile, I would have written more carefully Laugh I was fascinated when I stumbled upon mountain dulcimer "noter and drone" and modes, and determined I must learn more and try it for myself! I'm guessing I'd actually been exposed to mountain dulcimer music before, as there were many musicians in my grandfather's family, and my mother is familiar with mountain dulcimer!

Ken Longfield
12/12/24 09:44:41AM @ken-longfield:

Welcome to FOTMD, The Musical Dabbler. It's good to have you aboard. I hope you know that hammered dulcimers and mountain dulcimers are to very different instruments. There are many of us here who play both instruments, but the emphasis here is on mountain dulcimers. Let us know if you have any questions as you begin your dulcimer journey.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."