I now get the seniors discount at Denny's so that's a good thing? Still disabled from a carrer with PG&E working as a dispatcher at Diable Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Played my three manual full AGO peddalboard Conn 651 theatre organ (which after a good swap I ended up with it back from the church) at my church for just over seventeen years. At one time or the other I've played just about every instrument you'd be likely to find in america including (yes I have to admitt) the banjo. Well shoot the accordion as long as I'm getting my geek on. Played at them was a better term excelling in none of them except the organ of which after serving God with it in service to Him my skills with that instrument ended up being the best of all I've ever played and close to that would be the dulcimer. Married and still with my wife of 28 years. Have three adult children and three wonderfull grandchildren. Still tinker with making stuff and it really doesn't matter what it is I'm making as long as I'm making stuff. In that as well, I do some things better than others so my limited instrument building went by the wayside and now I purchase my instruments rather than build them. I tinker with firearms and have designed several one of a kind specials that I own but a few of them. Most to do with cowboy action shooting which was my last shooting sport I was involved in. Collect guns, knives, and soon to be instruments of at least a simple few, mainly my prized next dulcimer to replace all of the ones I had to sell so the family could eat when I was put out to pasture. Live three miles from my folks and attend the same worship service at Calvary Baptist in Merced, CA. That's about it. And for all, do remember that all of the good things in our lives are from God (remember the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, whom by no other name can a person be Saved and to live an eternal life with Him in Heaven), so it is then God that we owe our thanks and our Praise. I personally thank God for giving me a chance at happiness by introducing my wife to me and allowing us to be bless with three children and three grandchildren. For my carrer and knowing what to check when I was a sprite 22 year old. Because of stuff that happened some 45 odd years ago, my life is where it is today. God had to have His hand in that one. I'd of surely messed it up. Kevin.

I found him YEAH! or rather he (Rick Probst) found me, again YEAH! We'll be working on a new instrument before too long. I cannot wait. I wish I could fast forward. Well after all of the instruments trials and experimentation I can finally say while getting back into the saddle of dulcimer play that I've sought and found and am now arranging to acquire the finest dulcimer available to any player wanting to play the best. How's that for a plug? I'm serious though as I really do think that Rick's dulcimers are one of if not THE best availble.
Don't get this new forum/website and I don't know how to private message either. Check your email as I have been in contact.
Welcome to the site 5. Enjoy your refound dulcimer love.
Howdy and welcome to FOTMD!
Thank you all for the warm welcome. I'm still learning the ropes on this forum. I didn't realize that you could respond to a single posting in the thread or here actually, but with so many I thought I'd thank you all in one go. I do recognize some and others are new to me (hopefully that means I can start anew with a clean slate? Any chances?) Well if last run is any indication all you have to know is that if you see me selling an instrument (hopefully not, but...)you had better jump on it as it will be a quality instrument and will be well taken care of and almost brand new or not played as much as I'd thought when buying it. and last will be priced very competitively as in 50 cents on the dollar. Again I hope I don't get to that again. Fingers crossed. That's why with some connection help from you folks..... You all see the dulcimer in the avatar? If you recognize that, it's a Probst and I want despartly to replace it as it suffered in the family need for money years back. I'm in a better spot right now and would like to have its brother. God willing and money at the ready I'll end up with another one this time hopefully to keep and cherish and play to God's service. Kevin.
Welcome to FOTMD Kevin. It's good to have you aboard.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."
Welcome, 5kwkdw3, to this little corner of dulcimer heaven. Hope you enjoy it here.
Hello and welcome to the site. This is a great place to share ideas and listen to music. I hope you enjoy!
Hey 5k, welcome aboard. Gld ya found us.