

Location: Peru, New York
Country: US

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Left-Handed person playing right handed

I’m left handed, but have been playing right-handed since getting my...
@ADKzookeeper 5 years ago - Comments: 11

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Ben Barr Jr
01/15/20 07:18:10PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Hi ADZ, and welcome to the wonderful world of the Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer.  It's a good place to come, spend some time, learn about the dulcimer, and to meet some good people.


Richard Streib
01/13/20 11:54:08AM @richard-streib:

ADKzookeeper, the only questions that are silly are the ones you fail to ask. We have all been where you are in our dulcimer journeys when the things we know now seemed so foreign and confusing.

We are here to help you along on your journey. There are many areas where there are not a lot of dulcimer players--believe it or not sometimes right in Appalachia. So our internet friends prove valuable in answering our questions and giving us guidance whether we have been playing 8 days or 40 years.

So ask away. Someone here will jump right in and answer your questions.

Jim Fawcett
01/13/20 06:16:01AM @jim-fawcett:

Hey Zookeeper, welcome aboard. Glad ya found us.

Richard Streib
01/12/20 09:09:22PM @richard-streib:

Welcome ADKzookeeper to Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. Glad you joined. This is a great place to learn and find support. Best wishes on your dulcimer journey.

Ken Longfield
01/12/20 07:40:37PM @ken-longfield:

Welcome to FOTMD ADKzookeeper. It is good to have you on board. I look forward to your participation in these discussions.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."