

Location: Skriveri
Country: Latvia

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Blow Ye Wind

Blow Ye Wind

3 years ago - Comments: 3

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Ken Longfield
11/04/22 10:11:35AM @ken-longfield:

Ansis, thank you for sharing both your beautiful dulcimer and Latvian folk song. You are doing well both as a dulcimer maker and player. Keep it up.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

11/04/22 03:02:56AM @ansis:

Thank You very much for warm welcome here!

As You can see in my profile, I am from Latvia, where mountain dulcimer is not very known instrument. Actually, all my musically oriented friends never heard of it.

This summer I took a challenge and made a dulcimer by myself. Now I am trying how to play it.

Attached is picture of my handwork and also an audio with my humble attempt to play popular Latvian folk tune.



Jim Fawcett
10/20/22 08:52:12PM @jim-fawcett:

Hey Ansis, welcome aboard. Glad ya found us.

Ben Barr Jr
10/19/22 08:11:50PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Hi Ansis, and welcome to the wonderful world of the Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer.  It's a good place to come, spend some time, learn about the dulcimer, and to meet some good people.


Richard Streib
10/15/22 08:25:41PM @richard-streib:

Welcome Ansis to Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. Glad you joined. This is a great community of friendly people who love the mountain dulcimer. Look around, join in the discussions and ask questions. We are here to help.

Ken Longfield
10/15/22 06:56:07PM @ken-longfield:

Welcome to FOTMD Ansis. It is good to have you aboard. I look forward to you participation in this site. Let us know if we can help you along on your dulcimer journey.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."