I have always had an interest in music, but never the patience or time. At least it was that way before the Pandemic. I was always busy, busy, busy. Running all the time but getting nowhere. Then a meeting with a doctor that changed the course of my life. It turns out that all that running was ADHD and the long-standing joke about having ADHD was actually very real. It can be a difficult diagnosis to receive later in life, but you take the good with the "not so good." In my case the diagnosis led to a solution for the lack of patience and the Pandemic created plenty of time. So, I learned how to make and play Native American Style Flutes. The pentatonic scale is extremely forgiving and healing. After the restrictions lifted, I was traveling for work and found a dulcimer in an antique store. Even out of tune I could not stop strumming. A few years later I built my first and I am still strumming away.

Hi Brian, and welcome to the wonderful world of the Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. It's a good place to come, spend some time, learn about the dulcimer, and to meet some good people.
Hey Brian, welcome aboard. Glad ya found us.
Welcome BrianMc to Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. Glad you joined. This is a wonderful community of knowledgeable folks with lots of information to share. So as you have questions ask. Join in the discussions and make many dulcimer friends. Best wishes on your dulcimer journey
Welcome to FOTMD BrianMc. There are many dulcimer players in Virginia, so you should be able to find some near you. The mountain dulcimer is not an instrument that in its original form plays well with other instruments, but some modern instruments have been modified to do that. Have fun exploring the site. If you have any questions, just ask.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."