05/26/14 08:13:08AM @david-messenger:
Hi Dana, I am that close to stringing her up! Kind of got side-tracked moving, supposed to be done by end of May.My fretboard is 1.5" wide, and I made staple frets with broom-wire. They are about 1/8" in either side, so with 4 strings equi-distance that spaces them only 1/4" apart. It would seem some guitars use 1/4" spacing, but it seems pretty close- also the broom-wire has some give to it, maybe not all broom-wire is created equally?-so I think I am going to string her up like this, and may still use modern fret wire in the future and space the strings apart maybe 3/8" if I'm not happy with it- Regards, David
Hi Dana, I am that close to stringing her up! Kind of got side-tracked moving, supposed to be done by end of May.My fretboard is 1.5" wide, and I made staple frets with broom-wire. They are about 1/8" in either side, so with 4 strings equi-distance that spaces them only 1/4" apart. It would seem some guitars use 1/4" spacing, but it seems pretty close- also the broom-wire has some give to it, maybe not all broom-wire is created equally?-so I think I am going to string her up like this, and may still use modern fret wire in the future and space the strings apart maybe 3/8" if I'm not happy with it- Regards, David
did you ever get this one done did not see a finished pic of it.