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@dulcimerplayersnewseditor • 6 days ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "John (Jolm?) Dubroff dulcimer":
"I'm a little late to this chat, but I found an article in the DPN Archives on fine tuning beads that I thought might be of interest:..."

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Ben Barr Jr
08/09/23 10:10:46PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Hi DPN, and welcome to the wonderful world of the Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer.  It's a good place to come, spend some time, learn about the dulcimer, and to meet some good people.  I have thus far written one article for DPN and would love to do more--one article had been slated for publication, but thus far hasn't been published.


07/30/23 03:01:28PM @steve-c:

Glad you are here Fiona!  I will renew my subscription now that this good news has reached my ears.  I had let it lapse, not knowing if it was going to continue.  Thanks for taking the helm…

Ken Longfield
07/17/23 01:05:54PM @ken-longfield:

Welcome to FOTMD Fiona. It's good to have here, both as a dulcimer enthusiast and as publisher of DPN. Thanks for your contribution to our discussions. I look forward to your contributions to the dulcimer community through DPN. I wish you every success as you take on this new endeavor.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Robin Thompson
07/16/23 04:34:17PM @robin-thompson:

So good to have you here!  

Richard Streib
07/16/23 04:05:03PM @richard-streib:

Welcome DulcimerPlayersNewsEditor to Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. It it great to have you on board with us. Wishing you and dulcimer community great success with DPN.