Flint Hill


Location: Coopersburg, PA
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

sleepingangel Ken Longfield Strumelia


youtube videos: 10
images: 14
Groups: 2
videos: 3
audio tracks: 10


streams: 8
video file: 3.1MB, 00:00:39

03/12/25 09:50:23PM @strumelia:

So very sweet. Love the sound of your dulcimer playing, and the vibe with these sweet photos.

Dusty Turtle
02/02/17 01:23:44AM @dusty:

What nice music. And what a great example of inter-species cooperation!

02/01/17 11:25:25PM @strumelia:

Makes me so happy to see/hear this.

Sue Simms
02/24/11 12:20:07PM @sue-simms:
great video and music Smile.gif
03/28/10 11:00:13PM @teri-west:
This is awesome! What loyalty!
Flint Hill
03/28/10 10:04:39PM @flint-hill:
It's a wonderful old song.We wouldn't have a chicken farm without these two dogs. Our hens are safe and secure from all alarms with Fidget and Mouse around. They even sleep with the hens at night, either in the henhouse or across the doorway.We lost thirty birds to fox and hawks in late winter of 2007 and got these dogs that May. We just plain don't lose birds anymore. They all live together out on the pasture with a variety of seasonal shelters. Blowing sleet is about the only thing that will drive them into their shelters in the wintertime.It's been an inspiring thing to work with these two girls. They just do exactly the right thing time after time to keep the birds safe.The work hard, get meticulous health care, lots of face time with us and 100% homemade dog food.
Robin Thompson
03/28/10 07:14:11PM @robin-thompson:
"Safe and secure from all alarms. . ."Thanks, Ken.