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I have been teaching at Gilda's club for a couple of years now and was...
@TERI WEST 11 years ago - Comments: 1
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@TERI WEST 15 years ago - Comments: 30
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I stumbled onto Lisa's blog this evening and read from the following...
@TERI WEST 16 years ago - Comments: 19
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Posted: Sunday October 26 2014, 6:46 PM
By: @Glenda Hubbard
By: @Glenda Hubbard
Dulcimer or Guitar?
Posted: Monday November 2 2009, 11:00 PM
By: @Guy Babusek
By: @Guy Babusek
Hi Teri! Nice meeting you at Greenbo.
Thanks for asking.John
Thanks, Teri! I'm hoping we pack the house for this concert honoring Jean Ritchie. Take care and I hope to see you soon! N
Hello Teri, Hope you have a GREAT DAY!!
Hey Teri, My mamaw was second oldest out of 16 kids. A couple never made it Minnie Virgina died of crib death and mamaw's little brother Sterling fell when running to go inside during a rain storm. He fell backwards on a rock and they said his heart burst. He was 4 yrs old. All the remaining boys grew to 6ft and over and the girls were 5ft and under. Austin the youngest boy was short like the girls they said he was the runt of the litter. LOL
Hey How u doing, Thanks for putting the video on I had a hard time hearing it but it was the settings on my computer. What do u look it up under on youtube.
I think I found the answer Teri. It's the text box. DUH where it says add text video or other stuff. Thanks anyway.
Hey Teri need to ask a question, when u are looking at your page do u have a comment box that u can type something in like on facebook? How do u comment on your own page? Or do you just do it under blog?
Teri,Glad you joined Rosin the Bow here! Please feel free to share comments, questions, etc.With your violin background, you'd be very good at bowing a dulcimer of of any kind!
Teri, How do you sell your primitive crafts. Do you have a shop. My cousin has a store in Florida called the Prim shack. She makes a lot of there stuff I don't know if see buys from other craft artist but I will ask her if you want me to. She is on facebook as one of my friends Debbie Standfield if you want to look at her site.
Thanks Teri, I think I'm going to love this site.
Upstate New York is one place I have never been. It certainly is beautiful! I remember the 80 Olympics because we had friends who worked in a ministry to the athletes and ended up staying there for several years. Teri
Hello Teri,Yes, we certainly did enjoy our trip. It's four years ago now, but it still looms large in our memories. We actually travelled (independently) all the way across the US from west to east (California to Washington D.C.) over the course of a month. At two points in our travels we were staying with dulcimer people, and we went to one festival (J.P.Fraley's Mountain Music Gatherin' in north-eastern Kentucky, which was great).
Hello Teri - Thanks for making me your friend! All the best, John.
Good to see you here, Teri! We can all visit here and on ED-- fun!all good wishes,Robin