Getting started on this project, converting harmonica tab to dulcimer tab.
Many times, people want dulcimer tab for a popular song, and can't find any. We can't help much here due to copyright restrictions. However, you can google most any song title you can think of, followed by the words "harmonica tab" and find something to suit. Convert using a chart, maybe add some chords, and presto! your own instant dulcimer arrangement. And legal, too. You can learn any song you like and play it for yourself.
Here are some ideas to get us started. To use these scale layouts with a minimum amount of muttering under your breath when things don't work out, I recommend locating the highest and lowest note on the source tab first, and get those placed. That will keep you from starting too low, and discovering that you run out of room at the low end of the dulcimer three quarters of the way through the song. That said, use the lowest fret numbers possible to start. Don't overlook the middle and bass strings to find the notes you need.
For my example, I'm going to use Fare Thee Well. It is early enough to be public domain. Also, it's a song I don't know well, so I can give Babs Greene's idea a good trial. Here are two examples , both in D.
Here is harmonica tab plus pictures of dulcimer and D harmonica layouts. Disregard the chords under the harmonica tab. They inexplicably changed the key to G. If you want to add chords, use these instead .
Starting with the D notes, we have 1, 4, 7 and 10 blow on the harmonica, and dulcimer melody/bass string open, 7th and 14th frets, plus the middle string at the 3rd and 10th. This gives a general correlation of 1 4 7 10 blow notes on harmonica = melody open, middle 3, melody 7, and middle 10. Or, you can start on the dulcimer bass string and work your way up.
Offhand and by ear, this works if you bump the dulcimer up a bit. Start with harmonica 4 blow = dulcimer melody open. When you get to the B at harmonica 6 draw, that's on the dulcimer melody 5th fret. Or, you can start with 4 blow = dulcimer bass open, hit the F# at melody fret 2, and keep the whole thing at or below the third fret.
I'll make a better chart when I have time, and record some examples. Early to work tomorrow, time for bed.