Forum Activity for @robin-thompson

Robin Thompson
03/31/14 09:33:28PM
1,463 posts

You're ready to testify, for real! :)

John Keane said:

I have no recollection of any of this.

Robin Thompson said:

Hey, Carrie, I'm glad you got back to Ol' Pal! If you ran into a certain J.K. there, I trust you made every effort to avoid that troublemaker. LOL! I've heard wonderful things about the Wright's fest and might just make my way to TX some spring to attend.
Robin Thompson
03/31/14 07:00:27PM
1,463 posts

Hey, Carrie, I'm glad you got back to Ol' Pal! If you ran into a certain J.K. there, I trust you made every effort to avoid that troublemaker. LOL! I've heard wonderful things about the Wright's fest and might just make my way to TX some spring to attend.
Robin Thompson
03/30/14 11:52:17AM
1,463 posts

My New Dulcimer

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

As I wrote before, I think the skills of the original builder were decent-- and "decent" is likely an understatement-- it's got some very nice touches. For me, sound is everything and looks a bonus. You've got both here!
Robin Thompson
03/30/14 12:16:36AM
1,463 posts

My New Dulcimer

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

I could well be mistaken. . . It seems the original builder may have had decent skills yet those who made changes to the instrument later were not expert.
Happy strumming!
Robin Thompson
03/28/14 07:50:12PM
1,463 posts

I'm glad you posted-- I, too, enjoyed the piece! Nice, indeed, G.S.!
Robin Thompson
03/17/14 08:26:11PM
1,463 posts

5,000! What I'm most grateful for. . .

OFF TOPIC discussions

I don't know whether I would've stuck with playing if not for FOTMD. Though I have fun with the lap dulcimer, learning new things and sharing music here helps keep things fresh.Oh, and the number of luthiers who are either building replicas of old instruments and/or drawing heavily from old ways of building is great to see. I don't own any that are new yet look old. . . Not yet, anyway. ;) I've gotten to see and hear some of these beauties here at FOTMD and I'm grateful for that, too!
Robin Thompson
03/16/14 11:01:10PM
1,463 posts

5,000! What I'm most grateful for. . .

OFF TOPIC discussions

John, how glad I am you've been favoring us with your wonderful instruments and play! Your instruments are family heirlooms, treasures.Ken, our in- person meeting was far too brief. I hope our paths cross again and that we can share some tunes!
Robin Thompson
03/16/14 04:48:49PM
1,463 posts

5,000! What I'm most grateful for. . .

OFF TOPIC discussions

It's a given, I think, for many of us that the "Friends" part of FOTMD is the "thing" for which we are most grateful. . .At this 5,000 milestone, though, it also occurs to me how grateful I am that this site has been instrumental (haha) in the re- surgance of the noter and drone style of play. I had seen precious little to help me with learning ND style before FOTMD popped onto the scene. The available recordings in the style were few and video demonstrations were scarce not oh-so-long-ago.So, thanks to Strumelia for her noter and drone blog-- it's how I stumbled onto FOTMD in its earliest days-- and for starting "Friends"! And a big thanks to you all for making this neighborhood a nice place to learn-- I've learned lots-- and spend some time.Happy strumming, y'all!
updated by @robin-thompson: 08/02/23 03:15:05PM
Robin Thompson
03/15/14 12:04:36PM
1,463 posts

Loop vs. ball end strings

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

I've saved lots of ball ends!

robert schuler said:
Whenever I change strings I save the ball ends. I always find uses for them. Keep some and use them as bushings when using loopend strings... Bob.
Robin Thompson
03/15/14 10:59:00AM
1,463 posts

Loop vs. ball end strings

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Jean,On my instruments that will accommodate both types, I prefer to use ball end. However, I'll use whatever I have on hand when I need a string change. (I also re- tune a lot.)
Robin Thompson
03/12/14 05:37:09PM
1,463 posts

Dulcimer competitions

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Winfield rules apply at Coshocton because the winner then advances to KS. Particulars are available on the Dulcimer Days website. The Rust Belt's got just the right amount of oxidation. ;)

Ken Hulme said:

One of the biggie competitionsis Winfield, KS.

Get out of Rust Belt, Richard, and come down to the Sunshine State. We'll start that Old Fogies Dulcimer Championship and Grouper Eatin' Competition. Should be real successful, as most of the northeatern US and Canada migrates here between Thanksgiving and Easter. Literally 10% of the population of Canada comes to Florida annually....

Robin Thompson
03/12/14 07:57:17AM
1,463 posts

Dulcimer competitions

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Richard, there is a dulcimer competition at Roscoe Village (Coshocton OH) in eastern Ohio in June.
Robin Thompson
03/07/14 12:09:52PM
1,463 posts

As a beginner - which is better?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Hi, Kevin!
When I bought my first mountain dulcimer, I didn't yet know enough to know what features I would prefer in an instrument. It took many months of strumming and listening and learning before I discovered my own preferences. . .
With Dave Lynch's student model, you would have a well- made inexpensive instrument and be able to take all the time you want to explore the various facets of mountain dulcimer play.
Robin Thompson
03/02/14 07:56:51PM
1,463 posts

Larry, my husband and I go to an acoustic jam dominated by guitars with maybe a banjo and mandolin thrown in and me on diatonic lap dulcimer. After experimentation over a period of months, here's what I tried at last month's jam:DdA- home base tuning for key of DDdG- key of GEeA- key of A- I made the quick tuning change from home base tuning by using a false nut under the drone strings at fret 1.My aim is to re- tune quickly because the guitar players will call any tune that pops in their heads, no matter the key.I'm playing in noter/ drone style so this may not be workable for a chord style player. The jury is still out on how well it worked for me. I think I liked it.
Robin Thompson
03/02/14 01:29:10PM
1,463 posts

An short Video of my Baritone Dulcimer

OFF TOPIC discussions

Beautiful, Phil. I know that pretty baritone will give you many enjoyable playing sessions. :)
Robin Thompson
02/22/14 08:33:09PM
1,463 posts

This is what came in the mail.

OFF TOPIC discussions

Phil, what great mail! Some of the nicest people in the world play mountain dulcimers. :)
Robin Thompson
09/02/14 11:59:44AM
1,463 posts

Hi, Jim! If the email address you shared is your private email address, I recommend removing it from public forum for the sake of your privacy. Private information can be shared through private messages here at FOTMD.Please pardon my interruption!All good wishes,Robin (one of the moderators)
Robin Thompson
02/06/14 10:46:21AM
1,463 posts

Wow, I'm sure glad Robin C jumped in here-- I neglected to mention how the false nut is for noter/drone play!Robin, I just had The Cadair Idris Sessions playing on my car stereo the other day. :)
Robin Thompson
02/05/14 07:51:47PM
1,463 posts

Helen, if you wish to go higher than E with your bass string, you may wish to try using a "false nut" (also known as a reverse capo). A false nut is nothing more than a small piece of wood or hard plastic that can be slipped under a string/strings against a fret to create a temporary nut at that fret.
My false nut is nothing more than a piece of a bamboo chopstick cut then whittled so it can be slid under one (or two) strings.
Like Rob, I can go to E on most of mine with no trouble. I have also just used a false nut to make a change from D to E when the mood struck. :)
Hope this helps!PS-Quite some time ago I made a video about using a false nut. The video quality is poor-- we had bad, slow internet at the time -- and it's not, by any means, exhaustive on the topic. It can be found in my videos.
Robin Thompson
02/04/14 01:12:52PM
1,463 posts

Strumming so frustrated

Playing and jamming difficulties...HELP ME!

Julie, you're doing great! Just keep with what you're doing and strumming will, over time, come to feel natural. Well, at least most of the time, anyway. I have days. . . :)

Julie Semones said:

Alrighty all, I've been trying everything you all have posted, I think I'm finally catching I am (YIKES, can't believe I'm sharing this!!LOL)

Robin Thompson
02/02/14 05:28:07PM
1,463 posts

Strumming so frustrated

Playing and jamming difficulties...HELP ME!

Julie, I got my first dulcimer in '05 and I'm always working (playing) on my strumming. :)

Julie Semones said:

Thank you all for your responses!! I am going through reading them all. I've been trying to play since Aug 2013, which isn't really that long at all. I'm proud of myself for plucking out the tunes I have. My dad for Christmas made me some beautiful noters, and I've tried using those too...beautiful sound.. Please don't think I'm ignoring comments, I am just taking my time reading through them all!

Robin Thompson
02/01/14 08:57:35PM
1,463 posts

Strumming so frustrated

Playing and jamming difficulties...HELP ME!

Yes, please do be patient with yourself, Julie.For fun, put any music you like on a music player. With dulcimer in your lap, mute the strings with your left hand by laying your hand across them. With your right hand, strum to the music you're listening to. Don't even think about it. Maybe even close your eyes. Don't worry about which direction you're strumming. There is no wrong way to do this exercise. The point is to just get comfortable with strumming only. The musicians you're listening to are playing the song-- you're just adding some percussive sound. :) If you try this, have fun with it!Everyone is different-- to me, strumming is more felt than thought about. It's likely not the same for everyone, though.
Robin Thompson
02/06/14 02:05:34PM
1,463 posts

Dulcimer Challenge

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

If someone else was doing the playing and I was in an audience and had my eyes closed, I likely could tell no difference between an hourglass and a teardrop. If I were a betting person, I'd bet against my ability to do so. Lol! If, though, I were blindfolded and could stand right in front of the player, maybe. . . It'd just be something to try for fun. :)
Robin Thompson
03/18/14 09:37:43AM
1,463 posts

RIP Pete Seeger

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Hugs from me, Dusty! You're so nice to say that.We all need a balm for the spirit from time to time. Maybe even all the time.

Dusty Turtle said:

Such a sage comment from a sage woman.

Robin Thompson said:

Life can be just plain hard sometimes and making music or sharing music can help along the way.
Robin Thompson
02/03/14 09:22:58PM
1,463 posts

RIP Pete Seeger

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Thank you for the links, friends.I can't help but think how, in some ways, Pete Seeger was to the banjo what Jean Ritchie has been to the mountain dulcimer. If each had done nothing but help popularize those two instruments, it would've been a lot. They did much more. . .I think of how many people have been encouraged to realize a dream of playing a musical instrument and have been helped along the way by folks both at Everything Dulcimer and here at FOTMD. Life can be just plain hard sometimes and making music or sharing music can help along the way.
Robin Thompson
01/28/14 10:56:58AM
1,463 posts

RIP Pete Seeger

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

He worked hard, got dirt under his fingernails. He was a man of principle. I admired him.
Robin Thompson
01/28/14 09:41:48PM
1,463 posts

Dusty, if I hadn't tried-out those clogs before actually wearing them to a wedding to play, I would've been in trouble. So, just try-out the red stilettos ahead of time-- might work. Hope your cocktail dress has side slits or you'll never get your legs set just right for dulcimer playing. ;)

Dusty Turtle said:

So I guess I won't be wearing my red stilettos at Thursday's open mic! Too bad. They go so well with that new cocktail dress I just got.

Rob N Lackey said:

Just be yourself and wear comfortable shoes.

Robin Thompson
01/28/14 08:22:50PM
1,463 posts

If you always stand, Mary, you should be okay with clogs. If you think you'll sit, clogs change the relationship between dulcimer and hand/arm positioning a lot.
Robin Thompson
01/27/14 04:21:45PM
1,463 posts

To me, I'm dressed-up when wearing my good jeans. :)
We don't play 'out' a lot. That said, being porch players of mostly Appalachian old-time music, we dress in clean jeans and, lots of times, t-shirts. Actually, we have a lot of very cool music-themed t-shirts, some of them painted by a good friend of ours.
If we're playing a wedding, though, we dress appropriate to the occasion and do not wear clothes that would draw undue attention to ourselves. I stick with nice trousers for myself, though, too, because it's easier to position either lap dulcimer or bowed dulcimer without much fuss. Also, pockets are very handy to have for picks, noters, rosin, whatever.
Robin Thompson
02/17/14 07:35:58PM
1,463 posts

House fire

OFF TOPIC discussions

I'd wager your mail the other day was way better than mine,Phil. :)

phil said:

as soon as i get some new battery for my camera I will show ya'll what I got in the mail.

I know i have been missing for a few days. nothing bad has happen, we have been moving into our new place. still have some things to get moved. then we will decide what we are going to do and where we want to live. so for now we are renting.

Robin Thompson
02/12/14 10:46:50PM
1,463 posts

House fire

OFF TOPIC discussions

Yay! FOTMD Is a special place. So happy for you to have a happy surprise, Phil! :)

phil said:

Wow good things really do happen. I always knew there where some awesome people here. But today just blew me away when I went to the mail. I am not sure if I can say what came, but there are some really spectacle people here. I would like to thank them for what they have done. Oh and ya can't knock the smile off my face no matter how hard you try. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Robin Thompson
02/06/14 07:24:49PM
1,463 posts

House fire

OFF TOPIC discussions

Phil,Sending warm thoughts to you and yours! It's good to know you have a place.
Robin Thompson
01/31/14 12:41:48AM
1,463 posts

House fire

OFF TOPIC discussions

Oh, no, Phil! Thank goodness you are back with family. Take care.
Robin Thompson
01/17/14 06:04:13PM
1,463 posts

House fire

OFF TOPIC discussions

Phil, I'm sorry about the bronchitis and tickled about the possibility of selling your place!Mark, I'm glad those folks made it out alive and have lots of community support!
Robin Thompson
01/13/14 08:51:36PM
1,463 posts

House fire

OFF TOPIC discussions

Hope you get good word soon, Phil!

phil said:

well we went to rent a place today. Just sitting here now waiting to hear if we get it or not. how do you have references when you have lived in the same place for the last 25 years. waiting just makes me nervous.

Robin Thompson
01/08/14 05:55:21PM
1,463 posts

House fire

OFF TOPIC discussions

Phil, I am so very sorry. Take care and check-in here when time allows-- though we're not in your neighborhood there, we are here.
Robin Thompson
12/21/13 05:49:09PM
1,463 posts

Wandering in and Figuring it All Out - Six months a player

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Golly, Ellen, I'd say you've got it figured pretty well!
Thanks for the fun!PS- What are capos, really, anyway? I mean, is there a capo tree or bush? And I never heard of anybody having a capo farm when I grew up in farm country in central Ohio. :)
Robin Thompson
12/16/13 09:25:32PM
1,463 posts

Nice to see everyone again!!

OFF TOPIC discussions

Wow, Guy, you gotta be home to take delivery of that Bear Meadow. I know it will be a beauty.
Robin Thompson
12/05/13 08:29:31PM
1,463 posts

Remembering "Deputy Mo" / The Friendly Beasts

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I remember coming home on that evening of Christmas '10 and seeing Sharon J's posting the sad news of Rod's passing.I treasure the book of sacred harp tunes and the accompanying recording Rod made.Thanks, Deputy Mo, for the friendly spirit you brought to FOTMD! When we get together to play tunes, I'm counting on you to supply the Mountain Dew. Strumelia can bring one of her famous Jell-O molds. :)