Eppinette, Scheitholt, and Kantle player "Orange Kantele"

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
6 years ago
1,210 posts

Thanks for the update Greg.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

6 years ago
2,321 posts

I just looked up that Moog album on google out of curiosity, and discovered that it is indeed 50 (really 51) years ago when it came out, here's a post from last year's 50th anniversary:


Makes me wish I could celebrate it with my mother. 

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
6 years ago
2,321 posts

Hey thanks so much for bringing us up to date on this Greg!

I remember my mother (a huge classical music fan) about 50 years ago getting all excited telling the teenage me about some fellow inventing and playing the Moog Synthesizer.  She bought a vinyl record called "Switched On Bach" that was played on the Moog.  She thought it was all so 'happening', but I was rolling my eyes, being more into The Doors, the Airplane, Tull (Jethro, not Glazner, lolol) and Hendrix at the time.  grin I bet you can relate.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Gregg Schneeman
Gregg Schneeman
6 years ago
25 posts

Hello, I'm updating the information here - the fellow who made all these wonderful Kantele and Eppinette videos and music as "Orange Kantele" has moved on in his musical interest towards making making more "Moog" synthesizer music and changed his YouTube channel name to "MOOGNASE". However if you go to his channel's Playlists you will see the over a hundred videos of our kind  of music. 


updated by @gregg-schneeman: 06/07/19 07:51:56PM
Cynthia Wigington
Cynthia Wigington
10 years ago
74 posts

Thank you so much for this, I subscribed. I got a book of kantele songs called Fishbone from kantelemusic.com. It's very nice, now I just need to add kantele and voila. I wish someone on here would start making 5 stringed ones.

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
10 years ago
1,210 posts

I, too, enjoyed the video on the "Birth of a Kantele." Thanks for alerting us to Orange Kantele.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Kevin Lahue
Kevin Lahue
10 years ago
1 posts

Wonderful link! I really love the "Birth of a Kantele" video. Thanks!

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
11 years ago
1,478 posts
Thanks for the tip about Orange Kantele, Gregg. I checked out a couple of his pieces and subscribed!
Gregg Schneeman
Gregg Schneeman
11 years ago
25 posts

On You Tube one of my favorite people calls himself Orange Kantele. His playlists show he plays the Eppinette and Scheitholt versions of the Dulcimer and is constantly coming up with new tunes with very strange titles and beautiful drawings illustrating the melodies. I'm very impressed with how he is helping to keep an entire musical tradition alive. He also plays Kanteles and electronic music he writes himself, truly an amazing musician. But what surprises me the most is how few viewers he gets! I recently told him he should join up here on FOTMD and he said he'd look you folks up but I'm encouraging you folks to check out his work.

updated by @gregg-schneeman: 10/27/19 12:02:25PM