Forum Activity for @sleepingangel

11/23/20 10:30:02AM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

I love that case you made. I would love a step by step lol. Makes me want to buy the flute just to make the case. Ha ha enjoy
02/21/17 07:47:27AM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...


Has anyone purchased a bass tone flute or more specifically, a HS 1" bore bass tone flute?


Yup Suzie. I have their Dm and Em 1 inch bore flutes. I love both of them but the Dm took me much longer to be able to play without squawking. I was silly and it was only my 2nd flute after the Jonah Thompson Am that I learned on...but now after 10 months of playing the NA flute I can play it just like the others. Both of mine are in Walnut as they are much more durable (and I seem to always whack my instruments onto something lol)

Good luck


01/10/17 12:32:31AM
98 posts

What's the best thing to use to condition my old all black walnut dulcimer?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Richard Streib:

Late in this discussion. I have a dulcimer made by the Walnut Valley Dulcimer Company, the 3rd one made in 1993 by L D Sacks. Mine looks like yours and is noted to be a Wildwood Mountain model. It still sounds good and has held up well all these years. It was my first mountain dulcimer. I saw the company represented at Epcot in 1991 picked up the brochure and ordered in late 1992 with delivery in 1993.

hey that's pretty cool...and yes I think they were made pretty well to last so long!! I still play mine when I have the time to "tune it" that's the only part I don't like...they slip!


01/10/17 12:29:17AM
98 posts

What's the best thing to use to condition my old all black walnut dulcimer?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Deb M:

I've heard good things about Old Master violin polish (not to be confused with Old Masters, a brand of polish for furniture and woodwork.) I have yet to find it locally, but will order online and give it a try.

cool Thanks!!


01/10/17 12:27:23AM
98 posts

What's the best thing to use to condition my old all black walnut dulcimer?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Dusty Turtle:

On my dulcimers that don't have a laquered finish, I use Howard's Feed n Wax .  I learned of the product from a video by Bing Futch .  It works on the body and fretboard.  It won't hurt a laquered finish, but it won't be too effective either.  It's easy to find at most hardware or home improvement stores.

I'll have to look into that..thanks!! 

12/11/16 03:54:17PM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

I just ordered the large hard case from high spirits with the 25 Percent off and free shipping on orders over 100 it was worth it. (I ordered three of his spiral bound music books/cd to make the 100) and I'm so exited for it to come. They say depending on the flutes it could hold about 6 flutes 

take care and enjoy playing 

11/22/16 03:01:37PM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...


So cool, congrats Maria!

thanks so much Susie!!

Take care


11/22/16 02:39:52AM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Oh that it is sooooo addicting!!

Hey I'm really excited because High Spirits tweeted about my video that I did using my HS Drone and my Synth and Kalimba!!

take care everyone!


11/21/16 10:06:26AM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...


I played my sister's HS pocket flute (G, in aromatic cedar). It was a really cool little flute with a nice voice. It sounded great with the G mid-tone. Now I want one. wasntme  

Then Susie, here's your perfect time to get one!! they are on sale for THIS week. 25 percent off all the flutes!

Let me know if you get one. I ordered mine!! 

Take care


10/04/16 09:11:09AM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...


I remember saying this is my final flute after the second one, I am now on number ten. One in every key

Hee hee heee

its very addicting.....but it's a good addiction!!


10/04/16 04:33:29AM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...


I ordered my 3rd (and likely final) Native American Flute today.

Hmmm that is one line that will be hard to keep to when speaking of Native Americam flutes    It's so funny because in the dulcimer community they say "how many dulcimers do you need?"  The answer : "just one more!"

hee hee 

i can't wait to hear about the next and "final" one you get!!! 

Congrats by the way I love my HS flutes!!




09/22/16 07:26:34AM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...



Ps and I wouldn't have been able to just grab my dulcimer or guitar that way  by the time I took them out of the case and played it would have been time to leave  plus for some reason when I've had my guitar out, it would have made me frustrated to only play something for such a short time  I would have felt jipped instead of peaceful  so it really is a Spirtual instrument!





09/22/16 07:21:53AM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Nice. Congrats. And how about a pic of the flute top!! Cool bag 

enjoy the journey 

it's true what you said about even a few minutes. Last night I had to work and I didn't get a chance to play my flutes or do anything musical all day. I had literally 5 minutes before I had to leave and I grabbed my Em flute and I played two songs and I felt really happy and peaceful. Even though it was for only a short time 

I felt like my night was better because of it and I felt like I taught my students better as well!!

have fun


08/29/16 11:36:41PM
98 posts

Handmade Native American flute

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

awesome. That's so wonderful!!! thanks for sharing and enjoy your beautiful creation!!


08/29/16 11:35:34PM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Jennifer Brutschy:

Sleeping angel, thank you for sharing this.  I'm putting it at the top of my list of books to buy.  It sounds great.

Doors just keep opening . . .




Oh I think you will LOVE it. I learned how to read the Nakai tab and it opened up a world of music that's available. Plus I love his voice and how he teaches. I've conversed with his wife and she was so wonderful. After I purchased the second installment and then a different book on jazz for the NA flute (also by him) she send me his cd as a gift. (I had put the book on my videos to show people where I got the music from and she gave me permission to record his songs that he wrote) and I guess she was happy that I did it etc..I was so surprised. And it's a wonderful cd. It's called Remembrance. I have it in my car and listen to it over and over!!! I wish I could have thanked him. He passed away in 2010 but his wife is keeping his memory alive and I'm so glad...

Take care


08/29/16 08:53:10PM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Jennifer Brutschy:

Yes, Terry, it feels that way.  My first experience with a dulcimer was life-altering, too.

Congrats on the HS flute. I know exactly what you mean because I felt the same way with the dulcimer too!!

and I'm sure this will be the first of many flutes for you as well. So far I have three HS and they are all very beautiful and unique in their own way!!

enjoy and if you need a good resource besides the YouTube videos from HS their is book/cd that taught me so much and is simply amazing. It's called "understanding the gift" by the late John Vames. I could just listen to the cd all day and he not only plays the examples but gives verbal instruction and encouragement!

take care 


08/15/16 10:12:50PM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...


Thanks for the feedback Maria!

You're welcome!


08/15/16 08:39:58PM
98 posts

Help! (dulcimer acquisition disease)

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Annie Deeley:

I thought it was called Dulcimer Aquisition Affliction -for us DAA players! I only have 3, so thanks for removing my guilt. I have a David Lynch student, a Robert Schuler JI, and (new) Ron Gibson. Robert, maybe it should be 'Feed Your Obsession??

Exactly that what we do here. "Feed each other's obsession!"


08/15/16 08:38:11PM
98 posts


The easy way to combat crochet strap-stretch, especially if it is thin, is just to knot it in the middle~like you do with a purse that's too long?  Does that make sense?

Good idea!!

08/15/16 08:33:26PM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...


Does anyone have a HS Condor Bass, specifically with the 1" bore?


If so, impressions?

Hi Susie. 

I have that exact flute. I bought it on a "whim" at a dulcimer festival in April. I had only been playing. A few weeks. It's very well made however I still struggle to play it. As the lower holes whistle especially the last one. It's like I have to purse my lips and cover all the jokes exact or it whistles. I do like the sound but it's just a bit difficult. If I had to do it again I would get a flute from Ancient Territories or from George Dyson. They both make lower toned flutes that are much easier to play. 

Thats just my two cents. 


08/15/16 07:07:47AM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Jennifer Brutschy:

I love everything about this photo.  The wonderful stand, the collection of flutes, and the cute and smiling dad!

I look forward to getting my first flute soon, but I've already realized it will need companions down the road.  They look so beautiful displayed together, especially in such a practical way.

That is so wonderful of you to say!

and by the way he even made that table when he was 89!!! (A few months after my mom passed in 2015 his glass table broke so I gave him the idea!) He hadn't attempted anything like that in years. As his health and my mom's took turns having issues but Thank God he seems to be in a good spot now. (I just pray it lasts ) but at 91....😔  Well I'm just grateful for every moment like this!!

thank you again 


08/15/16 07:02:15AM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Terry Wilson:

That's pretty impressive, Maria.  And your dad appears very satisfied, that he made his little girl very happy.  drumroll

Terry you are very intuitive!! He really was so glad that the liked it! And I think he also was happy at how it came out as well!!

thank you for noticing that!!


08/14/16 01:51:20PM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...


Monica and Strumelia....yeah, you're probably right. happys  

We'll see where this goes. But with all my other instruments, I have plenty of other music to be made. The primary reason I wanted a stand, is so after playing, it can sit out and dry out. I can always store "dry" flutes in their bags/cases. So, the 3 place stand should work for now. I'll post a pic when it's done. Actually, he has built it already (just finished it). Now I have to do the staining and polying.

Here's a pic of the stand my 91 year old dad made me!! It holds 10 (and as you can see they are all being used!!!!) It's worse than DAD!!


08/13/16 02:15:16PM
98 posts

Help! (dulcimer acquisition disease)

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

sleepingangel :


You will get no sympathy here!!! I started the dulcimer only 9 months ago and I own 6 as well!!! then I developed "tendonitis" or something (which I'm having checked in two weeks) and I had to slow down on the dulcimer...well guess what I got into???? The Native American Flute...You think DAD is bad well NAFD is SO MUCH WORSE>....the reason? the flutes all come in different keys, then there's the drones and there are the ones in different "htz" oh man it's BAD. How many do I own??? well a picture is worth a thousand words. Here's a flute holder that my 91 year old dad made me!!!!



Very nice, Maria!

thanks Susie!!

08/12/16 09:42:56PM
98 posts

Help! (dulcimer acquisition disease)

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Helen Seiler:

Great pic Maria

thanks HELEN!!




08/12/16 09:41:08PM
98 posts

Lynne Gill:

@sleeping angel  Maria, as a fellow crochet fan, I find crochet scarves stretch! Does your crocheted dulcimer strap not stretch too?

well here's the cool part...they do but because there's so many places to attach it to the knob it doesn't matter that some hangs over? know what I mean?

take care


08/12/16 04:06:13PM
98 posts

Jim Yates:

I love Maria's strap.

Mine was a South American cotton belt that I bought at a festival.  Very colourful.


thanks Jim! your's is cool too!! In fact I think that I remember seeing it way in the beginning of my time here and thought "that's the thinness I want!!" so you "inspired me "to re-create it in a way!!

take care


08/11/16 09:25:08PM
98 posts

I've had really good results with my "Myer's Pick up" The owner asked to put me on his web site. I figure it couldn't hurt so here's the blurb. I bought it from amazon for about 130 dollars. I took off the "suction" cup because it just doesn't stay on the dulcimer. Once it was removed It lays flat. I've successfully used "command Strips" and they have not hurt my dulcimers. Although once I'm done recording with the pickup I immediately remove it. Don't want to take any chances!!

Here's the link if you want to hear it in action. By the way I'm not "promoting" him I just use it and think it's a good product. The owner is also very helpful and when I struggled to remove the suction cup he actually called me on the phone to walk me through it. It was a little tricky with the screws and eventually my husband had to use a special tool but off it came!

Take care and good luck!


Myer's Pickup Website

08/11/16 09:14:09PM
98 posts

Help! (dulcimer acquisition disease)

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

You will get no sympathy here!!! I started the dulcimer only 9 months ago and I own 6 as well!!! then I developed "tendonitis" or something (which I'm having checked in two weeks) and I had to slow down on the dulcimer...well guess what I got into???? The Native American Flute...You think DAD is bad well NAFD is SO MUCH WORSE>....the reason? the flutes all come in different keys, then there's the drones and there are the ones in different "htz" oh man it's BAD. How many do I own??? well a picture is worth a thousand words. Here's a flute holder that my 91 year old dad made me!!!!


updated by @sleepingangel: 08/11/16 09:14:28PM
08/11/16 09:04:36PM
98 posts

So I crocheted a strap for all my dulcimers. It's funny because my mom was an avid wonderful crocheter and I just never was able to finish anything more than a scarf here or there. Well now she's gone and all of a sudden I had the urge to do this because no strap felt "thin" enough. They work out GREAT.

Here's a picture

Take care


08/07/16 02:15:41PM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Oh Terry!! 

I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. I am going to the doc at the end of the month. I hope it's not arthritis!!

I'm glad that you are able to still play for the old folks and I'm glad that your new "treatment" is helping. I am severely allergic to fish so I can NEVER take fish oil!! 

Take care and keep on keeping on!!!


08/06/16 04:30:04PM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Congrats to all the new folks discovering this amazing Instrument that only came into my life 4 months ago and yet feel like I've been playing my whole life. It has truly changed my life! I've squirreled away money to buy flutes and even have been selling some of my other instruments. It has also come at a good time as I have been having very bad hand pain in my left hand between my thumb and my pointer. It's made it very painful to play the dulcimer or the guitar. Thankfully the flute has been mostly okay! (If I do a marathon session of playing when I get afforded that luxury then it could cramp but again nothing like the pain when playing the other instruments. And forget mandolin or uke even worse!

I reached out to an incredible flute player and maker George Dyson and he is making me an Em flute out of River Cane and the fetish is going to be a hawk because ever since my mom died 17 months ago I've been seeing Hawks at the oddest times. Usually when I'm thinking of her. When I asked him if he carved Hawks (as I saw his incredible horses) he said he did but usually it's just the head. I asked if he ever did one with wings spread and he said he hadn't but he felt moved to try with my story of my mom. He lost his dad this past March and he was he teacher and mentor so he felt a kinship. I'm so excited! 

Well take care everyone. I don't have any people near me that play so I'm really glad for forums like this and on Facebook!

06/28/16 11:08:39PM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Terry Wilson:


I cancelled my flute order yesterday.  James opened the door to this decision,  since two weeks turned into 5 weeks.  

I like James, and have no I'll feelings.  He's been real busy and had an eye injury. 

I'm probably going to stick to High Spirits flutes.

OH that is a real shame. He truly makes beautiful flutes. I know he emailed me about one that I was thinking of getting (a drone) and said that amazon has removed all of his's a shame as you said he's a nice guy. He's probably just not capable of "mass producing" for places like Amazon where the normal customers want their items in two days. 5 weeks is really a long time and I'm sorry it didn't pan out for you.

You can't beat high spirits. I really am enjoying mine. I'm getting to love my gm more and more. It's funny it seems that they have to be almost worked into...maybe it's just getting them "broken in" like shoes lol!!

Much success on all your next flute buying purchases and I'm sorry that something I recommended didn't work out...

Take care


06/17/16 08:15:35AM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Terry Wilson:

Hi Maria


No flute yet.  He said, 2 to 3 weeks.  Now a month.  Here's my take.  He's taking extra time, to build me the most magnificent C flute imaginable. 


No flute in another week or so I'll start getting a tiny bit concerned.   I live a very laid back life style.  Nothing bothers me except my health.  


I'll let you know.


Best regards 



You are very nice and of course I would be concerned as well. However I did have an email conversation with with him and he said he's really gotten busy and he was so nice to say "I'm sure you have something to do either with that!" He said its just as busy as he was Christmas. But I still would email him and say that since he mentioned 2 weeks and it's 4 that you wondered what happened.  

Ler me know if you want me to mention any anything to him. And I think the tone are really special and hope you love it. Maria 

06/17/16 01:30:10AM
98 posts

Native American Flutes

Adventures with 'other' instruments...


Terry Wilson:



James, at Gray Fox Flutes, is building me a 5 hole cedar flute key of C.


I mentioned to him of your love for the flute he made you.  He was happy you were happy.


With the addition of this C, I'll only be lacking a F and E, to round out my initial collection.  Later perhaps. 


Did you ever get your Gray Fox Flute and what do you think?

I love both of the ones I got from him and so reasonable!!

I may be ordering a drone soon I have to see...(So happy that I hadn't used all my Amazon gift card money) and so glad he is able to sell his flute on there!!


let me know bout the Flute!
take care


03/29/16 11:14:54PM
98 posts

Sad news- Rest in peace our good friend John Phillips

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I'm so sorry to hear of this. I only have been a member here a short time, but he helped me figure out how to tune the dulcimer correctly when I was afraid of popping a string. 

Very sad to lose friends even new ones...

God Bless him and his family


03/29/16 10:43:49PM
98 posts

Does anyone know if Garey McAnally is still around?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I got a really nice bunch of tabs from his website but when I googled him so that I could share my video of a song I did using his tab I get an obit. Did he pass away? and did anyone know of him?

thanks so much


01/28/16 12:16:44AM
98 posts

recommendation on a capo for the dulcimer

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Sorry ken, didn't say this right, if we can try again:     Is there a guide showing - when the capo is on the different frets in DAd and/or DAA what key would I be in then?  -  like -  (if you are tuned DAd and put the capo just left of the second fret, your strings are now tuned FCf)  What tuning would the dulcimer be in if I put the capo on the other frets, if I am tuned already in DAd?


I reccomend "the capo book #1" by Dallas Cline. I got mine off ebay. But if you google you may find a place that sells it!

Lots of good info


01/26/16 09:55:53AM
98 posts

Any one ever use this on their dulcimer to adhere an external pick up?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Dusty Turtle:
Glad to hear of your success, Maria.  When you perform, I would suggest a new piece of that window decal stuff since it loses a bit of its stickiness every time you move it.


Thanks Dusty! and yes, for sure...I probably have enough for two life times lol!!!


01/24/16 04:39:52PM
98 posts

Any one ever use this on their dulcimer to adhere an external pick up?

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Dusty Turtle:
Thanks for the pictures, Tom. I'm glad to hear you're happy with the pickup.  My Myers pickup does not have the soundhole mic; it just works off vibrations from the wood, I guess.


check out the video I did and gave you kudos on screen and on the credits!! thanks so much your window decal did the trick!!!

I will post the video in the video section too!!


adhering the Myers Pick up to the Dulcimer